DragonCon James Marsters Q&A

Aug 30, 2008 09:47

Well, I went to James' Q&A yesterday and I must say he was great.  He was wearing a red Tshirt, jeans and sneakers and he looked great.  Very fit.  His knee injury from last year must have healed because he was running and jumping around the stage the entire hour (he said Steve had given him a Red Bull :) )
James took questions and answered everything asked. I took some notes and got some good pics.  I'll just touch on some highlights.
  When asked whether or not his playing Buzz Aldrin in 'Apollo 11' he had changed his opinion over who would win - cavemen or astronauts' ?  James gave a great belly laugh and said that since he had done some research on Buzz Aldrin and realized how tough he was (he's recently punched a stalker in the nose and took him to court) he'd have to give astronauts a better chance.
  He was asked which show he liked working on more - Buffy or Angel.  He said that since many of the writers/directors/crew and cast were the same it seemed like one show to him.  He did feel that Spike had more to do and was more relevant to the theme on Angel.  He also said that on Buffy (and I'd assume Angel) that there was NO AD LIBBING!  but that it was ok because the writing was so good that it was worth it to get every single word right.
  As to who should get the Shanshu -   Angel or Spike - Spike - since David has Bones.  But he also thought that Spike wouldn't really want it.
  He said that the most enjoyable show to shoot of all was DragonBall because he didn't really have a stunt man and did 99% of the stunts himself and he was scared to death the entire time (he said he has a wierd since of fun ;)).
  He was asked if his height caused him to lose any parts?  He said that he never considered himself short until he went to Hollywood and he started losing parts to taller actors.
  If asked he would appear on Smallville again and it's a possibility, but noone's mentioned it to him yet.  He probably wouldn't be asked back on Without A Trace, because he thinks they're angry with him for leaving to do DragonBall.  He said that they hadn't really given him much to do and the pay was low, so he was surprised when they were upset that he was leaving.
  He said that he had trouble kissing Buffy because he looked at SMG as a kid sister so he looked for a way to fall in love with Buffy.  In Doublemeat Palace when Buffy's world was falling down around her and she was working it the fast food place with the stupid hat on ... he fell in love with Buffy, because her life was hell and she didn't complain.  When he realized this he laughed a little and SMG got mad at him because she thought he was laughing at her in the stupid hat.
  Someone mentioned that Adam Baldwin had done a guest spot on David Boreanaz's Bones and wondered if James would do one as well if asked.  He said that he would work anywhere with David.  He said that David was a really cool guy and he kind of got a bad rap with some fans.  He said that David can appear aloof but in reality he's just very shy.

So those are the highlights and this is the longest post I think I've made on LJ.  If all 3 of you have read this far :) ... thanks.  I'm glad to have this for myself as well - so I don't forget...

james marsters, dragoncon, david boreanaz

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