WINNERS... now I'm off to bed. Congratulations everyone!

Feb 01, 2007 23:01

Okay, I very well may have made mistakes in spelling (or even in categories--I had to go back and redo one because I forgot to change the title of the category from one set of awards to the next).  I've spent a lot of hours on this stuff, so stupidity is a real possibility.  Just let me know, so I can fix anything I screwed up.

Let's start off with a special award... the Out of the Blue Award. Each round, three previous winners from a previous round (picked at random) have a chance to name their favorite stories, the ones they wished they had written, and wished the rest of us would read. Here are the three winners for the Out of the Blue award for Round 3

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

The Lady and the Tiger
The Deadly Sins Series
1. Envy
2. Lust
3. Gluttony
4. Wrath
5. Sloth
6. Greed
7. Pride
A couple of the stories were written outside of the two year window, but the entire series gets the win, and any story or series that has been significantly revised or added to within the two year window is eligible.

And here are the rest of our winners... Congratulations to EVERYONE.  There were a lot of great stories out there this round!

Mine, All Mine
Beautiful hospital room h/c piece with upset Protective!Blair holding himself together after a bad scene, because his injured Sentinel needs him to be okay. Nice undercurrent of UST, and nice contrast between what really happened and what Blair tells Jim.

It's a vignette of love and dedication that keeps on even past memories and illness. It's very sad and very real.

My Life Twice Closed
Beautiful,heartbreaking yet so believable

Man Hunter
This is a superbly well-crafted tale of suspense! Lots of darkness, great twists and turns, stellar characterization, and it is so emotionally gripping that you just can't wait for each new chapter! This story is incredible!

"Sock Puppet"
heartwrenching but truly beautiful

Kith or Kin?
Superb writing in every aspect: language, charcter development, pacing; Great story in and of itself. Great Angst

Circle Dance
Duncan (Garham Scott) and Methos (Aidan Whittaker) are written perfectly. (this is a slash story)

Do Not Lay Heavy On My Heart
It's very lovely and a bit sad. (It's a slash story)

Drowning in Footwear
Three words-Funny, sexy, adorable

Flying Into the Black
Dark!Jim *and* Dark(ish)!Blair, so double the fun! It's a Sentinel/Firefly crossover, so the characters take on a Whedonesque edginess they never had in the original show. It's still our boys, but they've grown up in a much harsher world, and it shows.

Escape Me Never
Velvetwhip pens an heartbreaking story of a shattered Willow, a survivor of being Angelus' captive, who is taken under Angel's wing. Can he heal the girl he loves?

There's a kinkajou in the office and Dan's freaking out. What's not to love?

"Night Off"
very true to the character, interesting idea and the right mix of emotions

Rest Ye Merry
There aren't many dS gen stories about so it was nice to see this one appear earlier this month. It really follows on nicely from the canon episode but more than that it also builds on the things we expect from canon like the friendship of Fraser and Ray.

Dancing Fool
It's charming and hot and tender. Slashy spander from someone who knows that as hot as the sex can be, its nice to imagine a couple could enjoy a snow ball fight too.

Spike the Pumpkin Slayer
Spike is totally spot on. Gave me the giggles like nobodys business.

The Thing About Magic
The way Spike's emotion, just in those few words, is so tangable and real.

"The Man Beneath This Mask"
it's so realistic and beautiful, with a deep meaning behind pretty pictures

art for Man hunter
It's an astonishing piece of illustration.

Sunrise, Sunset
Spike and Dawn had such a good friendship going that sort of fell apart. I think this is beautifully done, showing good insite not only into Spike who is the main focus of the piece, but also looking in on Dawn's point of view.

Past Life Regression
Blair revisiting his wild youth, what's not to love. Taking Jim along with him is even better. And the story is amazingly sensual in its details; I can smell and feel and hear everything that happens. And it's hot as blazing blisters.

Reaching Out
The author makes these guys funny, touching, blunt, vulnerable, and HOT, all at the same time. Great dialogue between the characters, plus great internal dialogue for Jim, whose voice sets the tone of the narrative.

round 3

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