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After the Fact Award
Best Beta
Bird and the Fish in Love
Best of Buffy
Clean Break Award
Caught in the Crossfire
Cry me a River
After the Fact Award
NC-17 / Slash
Sexymermaid said: A very long exploration of growing feelings, friendship and the healing of a man after being enslaved. Wonderful story.
Going Home
Mike & Kelly
PG / Gen
xlivvielockex said: A rather bittersweet story that finishes where Not Fade Away ended. It wraps up the loose ends and hey, Angel won! But maybe not in the way he wanted to?
Phoenix Fire
R / Slash
Keerawa said: Phoenix Fire begins with Duncan MacLeod wandering Europe after the events of Endgame. He finds himself a home in rural France, and from there things take off. There are multiple compelling plot lines interwoven to create a stunning story with multiple climaxes.
Best Beta
Kitty is remarkably patient, is always honest about my mistakes without making me feel bad. She also is great to brainstorm with if I'm stuck on a plot point. She's just a great beta who knows her stuff, makes my fic bleed with red type and that always makes it a better fic.
She's truthful. She knows the English language in a most solid and practical way and is a Queen of punctuation. She also knows her canon like the back of her hand....Her grasp of the English language is sublime - I learn more from her than I have done in more than a few years of studying and writing. Her beta’d texts are an absolute joy to work through, concise, clear and indeed, honest. (Her own fiction is little short of brilliant).
Well, not only does she do a great job of the traditional beta work on long, very long stories, LOL, (grammar and plot holes), she also gets fully engaged in helping with the research for stories, like the one above. She's a wonderful cheerleader in terms of giving support and encouragement, and a great sounding board for discussing possible directions that a story could take.
Bird and the Fish in Love
The Janitor
NC17 Slash
An anonymous nominator said: It's just so sweet and funny and odd couple. I haven't read an Angel like this one before ever.
M Slash
An anonymous nominator said: This is a heart-wrenching story about a damaged Blair and a desperate Jim trying to find each other.
Mud Season
PG13 Slash (implied)
Macgeorge1 said: Like all unovis_lj's stories, every word is carefully, wonderfully crafted, and in this period piece each phrase is wonderfully evocative of a time and a place long past. It is funny, it is moving, it is - all in all - just terrific.
Best of Buffy
Beautiful Broken
NC-17/ Slash
Sexymermaid said: This fic is like being in a car accident. You don't really want to be in that car, but you can't climb out. It's hot, angsty, tender and savage.
Walking in My Shoes
Kelly & Mike
NC-17 Het
Xlivvielockex said: Seventeen chapters up and still working on, this is an AU story but uses the Angel everyone knows and loves from the series, up until the end. This story has most all of the characters everyone loves, and those we love to hate. It gets very dark in parts. There are chapters that are not for the faint of heart. But at the same time, there is humor and romance. Pretty much could be a season arc all on its own.
NC 17/ Slash
Sexymermaid said: It's a very angsty and emotionally realistic portrait of one man, a conquer, enslaving another.
Clean Break Award
R / Slash
Calime33 said: What if the final fight in that submarine base went slightly differently? Here is Kronos walking around with one Duncan MacLeod's Quickening inside him...and he's not really feeling quite himself any more. An intriguing, many layered exploration.
Buyer Beware
NC-17 Het
Celesteavonne said: This is an AU that departs from canon around Season 4. The plot and the writing on this story make it worthwhile. Just_Sue has a keen sense of irony, solid characterizations, Machiavellian plotting and deep insight into Spike, Buffy and Angel. It is very much like sliding into the Buffyverse and wrapping it around you like a dark yet familiar cloak.
NC-17 / Slash
vampiric_mcd said: It gives a plausible answer to what could have happened after Buffy died at the end of S5. For example, what if Anya died as well? How could things shape up, twist and turn? It's Spander and absolutely brilliant. Mandylancast develops her characters and lets them breathe. They're real and changed and yet still so very much in character. The story itself makes you laugh, blush and bleed. You can't help but feel connected to what's happening and the author! This story can't possibly leave anyone unmoved and thus deserves a nomination at the very least!
Angel's Songs
Soft NC-17/ Het
Damnskippytoo said: The reviews for this story have said it's got wonderful humor, heart-wrenching angst, true character voices and an original story idea. Even if you don't ship this couple, you'll be crying at the end and wishing you did.
Caught in the Crossfire
In a Land of Shadow
Gil Hale
Sentinel / Professionals
PG-13 / Gen
Izhilzha said: It's rare to see a long, plotty crossover between shows that are a few decades apart in time, but this once succeeds admirably: the Professionals characters and world are aged up to match the Sentinel characters, and the new backstory plays beautifully into canon. A rich, well-woven, intelligent story.
Learning Curve
Adult / Slash
Amejisuto said: What I love most about this fic is that Blair and Jim helps Xander get over his confusion and angst about Spike. Well, that and the fact that there's loads of lovely Xander angst for him to work through as well.
Dead Haul Cargo
NC-17 / Slash
Sexymermaid said: Delightful, snarky, sexy Spike comes aboard Serenity and drives Mal crazy... with his sneaking attraction for the vampire scamp. Lots of fun, and hot too.
Cry Me a River Award
NC 17/ Slash
Sexymermaid said: It's a very angsty and emotionally realistic portrait of one man, a conquer, enslaving another.
Fourteen Days in (a Fool's) Paradise
Justice League
NC-17 / Slash
An anonymous nominator said: Very little is as it seems in this story, which features some extremely joyful, happy, sexy romps that become excruciatingly painful for the reader as it becomes clearer what's going on.
Beautiful Broken
NC-17/ Slash
Sexymermaid said: This fic is like being in a car accident. You don't really want to be in that car, but you can't climb out. It's hot, angsty, tender and savage.