to celebrate jesse's upgrade to full-time status on ga, here is a picspam of the notable interactions between one dr. cristina yang and one dr. jackson avery. there's nothing between them officially yet, but i think this cast addition ensures that something is forthcoming. this is some evidence to back that theory up. plus, they're just adorable for no reason when they're in scenes together.
inspired by and dedicated to
jacobella41, captain of this ship as far as i'm concerned. ...and arch rival of captain emo. :D
the sizing up the newbie moment
the cocky is cute moment
the go for it moment
the drunken smooch moment
the situation-specific amnesia moment
the interrogation and instigation moment
the "how old are you?" moment
the lunchtable intruder moment
the "you're surgery royalty?" moment
the starstruck moment
the partners in crime moment
the silent communication moment
the super sensitive moment
the "you know and i know" moment
the g stands for gangsta and genius moment
the bonus moments
caps thanks to