JUST NOT UR GIRL.....(hehehe i know you wish i was...)
Woah...it has been forever since I updated. Well not really cause I just updated like 5 minutes ago, but thats not what I call an update.
- Math has been going horribly, I have def. failed a lot of tests, which is resulting in me having some form of a C lately...NoT GoOd. I have never gotten taht low, dear god help me! I feel like the biggest dumbass in that class, and except for a few other people most of the time I am. I actually understood what we were doing lately, but after the test friday i'm not so sure my grade will reflect that.
- Something is wrong with me, I am actually doing my chem 2 homework. that never happens. I usually just copy it from someone else and say i did it, and then slack and dont do classwork either, but i pull somethin outta my butt for tests...
- Physics, well lets just say physics is like math except i dont think i have a c. I think i just dont pay attention at all and have no idea what is ever going on in that class. lets just say when im in that class my mind wonders to things that happened earlier in the day or things that im doing that night and so on and so forth.
- Band is fine, I mean its band. I do what I am suppose to do and play my music. um..i guess im ok, im no where near as good as i used to be and in general im not that good, but whatever it doesnt really matter.
- History, now that is a good class. I look forward going to Beacomes class, its nothing that makes me wanna shoot myself from being too difficult or too easy. I just like that class.
- Lit. haha that class is a freaking joke. We are doing a research paper, do you think I have started it? yeah that could be a problem being the works cited and intro paragraph are both due on tuesday, but hey what the hell!?!? SCREW research papers...so ill just fail. haha maybe not!
Honors Band:
- So the honors band concert went well. My band was ok....well we were good it's just the musical selection was rather poopy...The last 2 songs were cool. We def. could have used our drumline on the Jungle fantasy song because they would have had fun with it, but it was good.
- Tom, Stephen, Joey, Emily, Emily, Justin, Chris all did amazing in Wind Ensemble. Their songs were so freaking sweet it wasnt even funny! Emily, your solo was so amazing it was ridiculous!
Life in General:
- Things have been good, interesting, but good i guess. I've been doing a lot of thinking, thats not normally a good thing but you know it has to be done. I've discovered that things have changed but ive been happy, and I like being happy. i also know what people and things make me happy so i know how to avoid the unwanted. lifes been sweet...
- I have discovered lots of things out about my "friends" and I have also done some talking...Not to say that talking changed my mind any, it was just nice to say it without getting a speech about it. Real friends=the ones you can plan a getaway with and laugh about the details....