Guess what? IT'S FRIDAY. And besides a new FNL and the weekend before Thanksgiving week it's announcement time!
If any of you FNL fans are fanfic writers you probably remember the past succcesses of UFFD:1 (hosted by me) and UFFD:2 (hosted by Joe.) Similar to that, we are instituting a PantherMania!UFD. So, instead of the slotted day being all about fanfiction, it will be all about EVERYTHING. Interested? You better be!!! Because ALL real Friday Night Lights fans will be in it so read below and remember to BE A PART OF IT.
~The PantherMania!UFD will be on the day Episode 15 airs in February. This is the last episode FNL had done before the writer's strike, and it will likely be the season finale. So, we want to take this day to show our support for the show, the writers and a third season. Like with the UFFDs, the master post of EVERYTHING done for the day will be posted, by either I or Joe.
1) There is a way for EVERYONE to participate, even if you think you have nothing to offer. Refer to the list below, and realize that there are always more things.
-Music Videos
-Graphics (Icons, headers, wallpapers, layouts, etc.)
-Pics Spams
-Episode Recaps
-Signing the petition for WGA
-Writing letters to the networks
-4 Pennies Campaign
-Visting the picket lines (if you are in hot spots like NY or LA)
-Boycott watching TV from network sites or iTunes (and getting others to do so)
-Get someone new interested in show
2) This day is all about support for the WGA, the show, and the writers who make this show amazing. We understand there is another point of view, we just don't agree with it. However please do not participate in opposition to the WGA.
3) Other than the above reason, there is NO reason for anyone not to participate. If for some reason, you have a problem with the way things are being conducted, please let one of us know, and we will try to correct it so this event is in everyone's favor.
4) You can post your contribution, anywhere you see this master post by me or Joe, whether you have signed up or not, it doesn't matter. Just say that you are posting for the PM!UFD and you will be added to the master post.
5) Since the point of this is to have a collection of all things fandom, posting beforehand, isn't helpful. So, if you will not be able to post on that day, you can send your contribution to my email ( and I will post it on your behalf.
6) Signing up is NOT mandatory. I will keep track of those who do sign up, to guarentee their inclusion, and if you wish to do so, leave a comment on this post.
7) Lastly, and most importantly, PIMP PANTHERMANIA!UFD. The whole point is to get every fan involved. And, if there are enough I will send this information to Mike Ausiello, Kristin from E!Online and others, who can make this even more of a success.
This is something that can be done in ANY fandom. It's about one person having the idea and others wanting to contribute. If anyone wants to hold a UFD for another show, as they start to end, you should. It is a truely awseome way to have the Internet fans make a difference. If anyone has an questions, please feel free to email me, or comment.
Now get your Pantherama on!!!