Jan 04, 2007 19:03
So, there's a New Year about and bringing it in was...interesting. To say I had a good time would be true, to say I had a few odd moments would also be far from a lie. The result was an evening of revelries, salsa, friends, and of course enjoyable beverages. I will say this in the end...I really don't know if I'm going to be dragging myself to Stafford for another one. (That's a veiled attempt and saying that I won't be spending the holidays, much beyond the day, up there). Upon closer analysis I'm forced to recall that next year I'll be graduated and by this time hopefully settled on where I want to be next.
I'm glad to report that last semester is completely over (i.e. the grades are in) and the damage wasn't so bad. I underperformed in two classes, but managed a respectable showing...negligible damage.
I'm going to be putting this old girl down soon...I think. Perhaps I'll pick up an actual blog, but I doubt I'll have the time to give over to it yet.
I hope this next year is as amazing for you all as possible.