Nov 23, 2008 07:37
This is what happens when you are bored. Are on caffiene, and surrounded by other L5R players: you start a haiku contest. The following is a series that continued on the same subject matter, and telling a story in the process:
Seven Emperors
All who sat on the throne died
Why, Story-Team, why?!
They call me Carman
Your favorite characters
I paint with bullseyes
Mister Shawn Carman
A True Southern Gentleman
He shoots from the hip
No character is safe from
The gun that is his keyboard.
His trophy wall boasts
An impressive collection
Of samurai heads
Their remains line his mantle
Ashen in their grim repose
Yoshino, Shono,
Chagatai, Nakamuro,
Naseru, Shaitung,
Sezaru, Kaneka and
Tsudao, Nobody is Safe
Zombie Tsudao
Master Tiger Ascendant
Alas, April Fools
What is this you say?
Kolat? Good sir, no such thing!
...make sure you kill him.
What are Gozoku?
If Kolats are Communists,
Republicans then?
The Gozoku are
Not quite Neo-Republicans,