Aug 27, 2007 17:15
things are going better. I talked.
"In vino veritas" might be true.
ps; Last night at Korova was such a blast; I think Montreal should be compared to any town up in the
Deep North when Consanguinity is the usual. Things were just so wrong and funny.
Ps2: Waking up at 6h30 was kind of unsual and out of every expectations, even if I went to bed at 3,
I was in a damn good shape...until the hour of lunch.
ps3: I love diner.
ps4: Out of every expectations, I have the best people around me, the most beautiful guy on every point ever around and...
the best fucking friend ever. We just realised that beside the little daily drama and the sight of life, we're pretty lucky to be there and surrounded by those that we love.
ps5: iu just rediscovered at the drive-in last night...sweet memories.