So today was really crazy, after booking out from NS at 6 I think I just set a new personal record for how fast I could change out of combat attire and book out. And I'm already damn fast.
But the bus home still took an hour (which is 20 mins longer than expected thanks to damn traffic)so I literally RAN up, grabbed my Saluda 17", stuffed it into my cymbal bag, and ran out to realize I forgot my phone, so I ran back up the stairs, grabbed it and RAN to the station.
I got into the train drenched in sweat, and I was in such a rush I actually ran out at Lavender station, ran OUT of the station and realized "OH SHIT THIS ISN'T BUGIS"
So I ran back in and got off at Bugis and RAN to brasbasah and bought the Bosphorus 20" flat ride, and finally leisurely strolled to the station to go down to bedok and walk over to TJC- the arranged meeting place.... where I had to RUN again because I got the meeting place wrong- because ZQ was always calling it the "back gate" of TJC, I went to the wrong gate for the meeting place to sell my cymbal.
But it's all said and done and damn it was worth it.