More Politics, just incase you needed it

Sep 20, 2008 14:18

Hello again my loyal viewers!

I continue to watch the coverage of the election like a hawk.

Sarah Palin just keeps getting worse. Everything good about her turns out to be a lie and new dreadful stuff just keeps coming up.
How about the fact that the Police chief she installed to replace the one she fired. This being what she called "one of her best decisions as mayor." He immediatly started a policy of charging rape victims for the forensics tests that could identify the rapists. Sucks if you don't have health insurance that covers rape, otherwise it'll cost you $500 to $1400 to bring your assaulter to justice. Check it out.

I still can't believe there are women who supported Clinton, then switched to supporting McCain just because he has a woman on his ticket. Do they not realize that if Clinton was chosen as a VP then she would not be in as good a possition to run for president in 4 or 8 years? Do they not realize that she supports the POLAR OPPOSITE possitions on issues? Do they not realize that she is as anti-woman on everything as she can be? No no, shes a "Hockey Mom" we can relate to her.

I'm still hoping that this is the first part of a new program that sets political traps to remove idiots from the voter pool. If you supported Clinton, then switched to supporting McCain because of childish vendetta or because you are voting for the woman no matter what, your voter registration is voided and you are forever treated as a convicted fellon as far as voting is concerned.

Adoo folks, more to come, also funny pictures!

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