Home Stretch... Again

Mar 08, 2007 12:52

Here we are once again. Staring down the gullet of final exams, projects, labs, and papers. I assumed at the begining of my collegate career that I would get used to it eventually, but you never really do.
My Finals this quarter are relativly light, first final is tomorrow, only 1 hour, followed by regular 2 hour ones on Monday and Wednesday. The amazing thing is that I have labs due next week in 2 of my classes! So I will still be doing homework during finals week, this is a grave injustice says I!

But enough sulking about finals. If there is one thing about them my experience has taught me its that while they are stressful as hell and difficult to prepare for, they will be over before I know it, and by this time next week the sun will be out, the Quad will be blooming and I will begin my 10 days of unadultered Spring Break!

I would like to look back on a few things that happened this quarter and ponder if I may.

The Irony of my failing a test on failure... if I failed it I should have been an expert on failure!

ME 354, labs ranging between 10 and 30 pages each week, and yet somehow we wound up behind schedual and had to do two this last week. It has been dubbed by the ME Oikos to be a rite of passage after-which nothing will be so bad... lets hope they are right.

Housing... Last year my cluster decided to get a house off campus and moved out right away before I felt ready, after much delay I finally decided to wait it out in the dorms. Now that decision has returned, though now staying in the dorms is no longer an option. There was such a great plan for residence next year, to which I was very much looking forward to, but now that doesn't look hopeful. However I, the eternal optimist, cling to the hope that everything may work out and I can live in a big house with lots of friends. On that note, I have some advise for those of you planning on moving out that I picked up from my previous planning.
1) Unless you get along with EVERYONE chances are living in a big house will come with living with someone(s) you dislike. Had I moved out I would have lived with a pot smoker among others, you must ask if living with the people you like outweighs living with the people you dislike.
2) Living in a house wont be unlike living in a cluster, only with bills, rent, single rooms and taking turns cleaning the bathroom. Gage your ability to live with people in a house based on your ability to live with people in a cluster.
3) Although inevitably one person will spearhead the planning and governance of a house, no one person can hold total autocratic power in a house. You must must must run any decisions you make that will affect the other housemates by them first, this includes public decorations, house guests, major projects, rent plans, and invitations to other potential house denzins. Respect all house members and their desires.
4) Unless you have a truly good reason for needing a specific room, (two people live in the biggest room etc) don't call dibbs on specific rooms, it causes all sorts of friction between housemates who both want a room.
5) You will never form a stronger friendship than by living with people. But you will have to work to keep in touch with those who don't live with you. I have completely lost touch with my friends that I almost moved in with which is dissapointing. Keep in touch!

I love Sarah Biethan, like... like whoa... lots.

It seems no matter where I turn, no matter how far I continue up the scholastic ladder, Tetris will always be there to detract from my productivity. Like death and taxes.

Alright folks! I will let you return to your studies and get back to my own.
I will leave you with this gem

I hope all your proverbial, ice filled crossings go well.
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