Mar 03, 2005 16:38
I think I may. I think I might. Life is in your face so stop thinking and live it, right?
What if the moon was made of cheese? Would it be big enough for us to eat and be pleased?
"The pen is red, the pen is red, the goddamn pen is red!" Jim Carey in the movie Liar Liar(He may have said blue.I am not sure, but you get the idea.)
A song will always play on with no batteries nor electricity.
The word: LOVE What does it technically declare? That one whom uses it towards another cares deeply about that person and/or doesn't want to hurt that person.
Isn't it great to know someone's fate?
Giving up is an option. Choose wisely.
The box can always be thought outside of. You can shape it any way you like.
Stop blaming others when you are wrong. Stop blaming yourself when others are wrong.
Although your mind controls you, take some control over it.
Don't just offer your hand. Take some initiative, help.
Live life to it's fullest. You only get one.
People are gonna think what they will of you. Let them think all they want when you know the truth.
The voices in your head...gag and hog-tie them! Make them listen to you for a change.
Color your world and others with your talents. Don't keep them all to yourself. Splash the canvass of life with them.
Teaching someone something new, teaches you.
We all have gifts. Some are capable of opening them sooner than others.
Eat all of this. I will have more food for your thought soon.
~Lee~, ~Requiem~, ~Oz~, ~Depressed Goldfish~, ~Prince Sweetness~, ~Tummy Button~...and more probably. Damn, I have too many nicknames...or as I like to call them, split personalities.