Hierarchy of Sins

Oct 28, 2010 17:11

So, this is a hierarchy of Humanity sins for World of Darkness thingmakery, cross-posted from rpg.net.

Basic idea is that at Humanity values below the number indicated, you think nothing of the indicated action. These days, I'd leave people to adjudicate their own success or failure at Humanity challenges, only intervening to say that this or that action is probably worth a challenge.

Sins here span four Humanity ratings: others can fit in to the scale, and I guess it's a setting statement where you fit them in. Other morality traits would be parallel rather than replacing Humanity, though you might care more about them than about how much you thought like people. The notable sins I don't have in here are 'killing / hurting / abusing things that are not people' and 'deciding that *that* isn't a person', because I can't work out where to put them in.

9: By accident (hurt someone's feelings! noes!)
8: Impassioned (arguing past the point of offending someone)
7: On purpose (you know this action would hurt them)
6: Don't care. (*shrug* they aren't you)

8: By accident (fuck! I meant to pay for this DVD!)
7: Impassioned (steal bread to feed starving family)
6: On purpose (I want that, I will plan to steal it)
5: Don't care (hey, that looks nice. *twock*)

7: By accident (shit, dude, you OK? Um, stay there, I'll call an ambulance.)
6: Impassioned (You bastard! *thwack*)
5: On purpose (Bastard. *thwack* *thwack* *thwack* *stamp*)
4: Don't care (Eh. Guy was in my way.)

6: By accident (omg, I didn't mean to hit him that hard)
5: Impassioned (You bastard! *blam*)
4: On purpose (I want to kill that guy. Here is how I will kill him.)
3: Don't care (Aw, shit, and I got blood all down my suit.)

5: By accident (how? I won't ask. Maybe under mind control, or lost memories)
4: Impassioned (flipped out, killed every motherfucker in the room)
3: On purpose (i hate puppies so much)
2: Don't care (Must feed. Must kill.)

Comments invited. Mostly posted so I wouldn't lose something I might one day need.

rope-laying, prim brightness, world of darkness

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