Mar 18, 2006 13:11
so, it seems that i may be in the midst of a rare good streak of luck
these past few days.
It started thursday with my TV purchase at Circuit City. Long story
short, i stopped in there with amanda just to take one more good look
at it before we were to go home and order it online for in store pick
up in salem, NH. So, of course i got talking high def with the sales
guy who was really nice and (surprisingly) intelligent. It was
clear, though, that he was going to try to sell me on the tv right
then and there...
So, i explained to him that i was going to order it online and pick
it up NH to save a good 80$ in sales tax. he calls his manager over
who was quite the salesman himself, but extremely friendly and
helpful. he chopped the sales tax off the price of the tv. well,
they were running a web only special where they were giving away a
$150 dvd/vcr combo for free with any big TV purchase. the manager
(who referred to himself as Fat Tony) threw that in. By this point,
amanda and i realized we'd be needing to go get her car to bring the
tv home with us.
So, the manager and the other sales dude come back with just about
every accessory i could ever need, figuring they had me hooked at
this point, which they did. So, tony brings me over to the hardcore
surge protectors and line conditioners. He's reaching for a $230
monster cable surge protector and i'm like "uhhh...". I had been
eyeing that exact one on anyways, but they had it for $150
online. I told tony that, and he matched their price. I took it,
then he threw in a 23$ screen cleaning kit for free (which i wouldn't
have actually purchased, but for free...i'll take it).
They did soak me on a $120 HDMI cable, but i guess having a high
quality one instead of the shitty one comcast gives out isn't such a
bad thing.
So, he ended up taking off all the sales tax at the end. Amanda
applied for the circuit city credit card, got enough of a limit to
cover almost all of it, and now i have no interest to be paid on this
thing until 2008...but i'm planning to have it paid long before then.
Grand Total - $2,176.00
Friday, i woke up at 7:00am to get in a little Xbox on the TV before
i had to be productive. Went to comcast and got my HD DVR box. Had
a real hard time dragging my ass away from that to get into school to
pick up my $700 check and get some work done. That check is going to
be paying amanda off the money i owe her and taking care of the
differnce for the tv that didn't fit on the circuit city card. So,
now she's paid off and i'm no longer in debt to her (well, except for
the tv but i'm paying that by myself directly to the card...)
On my way to school i got a call from my boss. i was hoping it was
to tell me i didn't have to come into work today (saturday...) but
alas, it was about something better. Apparently she drew my dollar
in the dollar pool they do at work every friday. (everyone puts
their name on a dollar and puts it in a box, the one whose dollar
gets picked gets the loot...)
Funny thing is, i'm not usually in work on fridays, so i don't play
much. thursday, i had overheard my boss talking about it and gave
her one to put in for me.
So, i won $85. not too shabby...
The schoolwork i had to do didn't go very well, though...
i needed to fix a little fuck up the band made during the second song
before i go into the studio with dan tomorrow to do mixdown on them.
i just felt lost and couldn't get anywhere with it. i think being
400% out of school mode all week was to blame. i think we might be
able to put our heads together tomorrow and work on it, or maybe
we'll just have to suck it up and let it go. The drummer went off
time for ONE split moment and the guitars followed him before they
picked it back up. it's one lousy note, but it's driving us nuts,
and i WISH we had the time to have them do another take, but we
didn't. so, we'll have to work with it. i'm going to be in school
from 7:00am to 1:00pm tomorrow. then i have to work until 6:30 or
7:00. i think i'm going to try to get to bed real early tonight...
So, i gave up and bailed out of school a little early yesterday and
picked up Vasco where we played about 4 hours of straight 360. I
drove him to work and went back home and kept playing until i
literally got a migrane headache behind my left eye.
I almost didn't even leave my couch last night. Mike never called me
back about the paintball that apparently people were playing last
night that i REALLY wanted to go to. chris called me to tell me he
had drugs. i went over there and hung out with him, joe, and our
drug guy for a while doing coke. We went to the local bar that i
TOLD everyone would be a shitty time, and it was. we left, drank
more beer, did more drugs and i went to bed around 3:00 and got up at
anyways, i'm out of work today in a couple hours, then i need to go
home and take part in the live fantasy baseball draft at 4:00 and i
think i'm going to celebrate my halfway decent mood while it lasts
and go out to eat somewhere interesting with amanda. there's a big
fight on HBO tonight in HD at 10:00 i want to catch, but i don't
think i should stay up that late seeing as i need to be out of the
house by like 6am tomorrow...
hey, at least i can record it now.
i went to newbury comics today and finally got some new music. i
heard some great chill out music by a band called "The Album Leaf" on
satellite this morning so i grabbed that and i grabbed the new Public
Enemy record.
ok, i'm ending this now. i should do some work...