Apr 24, 2006 15:49
I've tried everything. There are only 2 more options left as to what is wrong witn my PC. It's either, my motherboard... or my processor. After having the computer on for 1-3 minutes it shuts off and makes a loud siren noise when I try to turn it back on. I'm going to be calling and checking with Foxconn about it today or tomorrow. :: sad face ::
It's kinda annoying about how my computer worked perfectly fine when I had no internet, but as soon as I get internet, start playing CS and Ragnarok again, it dies... I'm pretty pissed about that actually.
I talked to Mone this past weekend. It was good. It's strange how sometimes something as insignificant as a phone call can make you remember things.
I've been wondering how people are lately. There are people I don't talk to anymore that I find myself wondering about lately. It's probably due the fact that I live on base now. It's isolated... far more than living in Novato was. It's great for an academic setting, but horrible for maintaining relationships. Oh well. :(
#1 in my class right now. PWNT!