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Oct 19, 2006 06:44

I hate Thursdays. Its 7am now and I have to work from 8-5 or 5:30 at the shelter, gotta go to a seminar at 11:30 on my lunch break. Then when I get out I have to go to class from 6:15-9:45. Yuck.

On the school note, I'm not doing too hot this semester. My first 2 exams in Chemistry & Genetics have been a 64 and a 68. And that was with studying too. I'm definately not a math/science person but thats my major so I have to find a way to pass these courses somehow. Lately instead of stepping up to the plate and really trying to understand the material, I've been getting drunk. This past week I've been drunk more nights than I've been sober. Not a good habit to get into. Bad things seem to happen whenever I drink.. like my shirt & pants coming off and me jumping up and down on the couch w/ the titties flying everywhere. Or peeing out the window. Oh 80s night for Andy & Jess was fun though. I don't know how 80s I looked though.. more like white trash.

So my grandma died this week. She was perfectly healthy.. no major diseases or illnesses. Then she got pnemonia & her lungs wouldn't stop filling up w/ fluid. My dad flew out to Michigan to be with her, and then she just stopped breathing. I'm not too upset about it because I only met her once when I was in the 1st grade, but at the same time, that makes me more upset knowing I'll never get to know her. Mom and I are staying here and Jeff & Dad are going to the funeral. Jeff gets a 10 day emergency leave so that'll be nice! Well that's the update. Toodles.
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