Oct 20, 2005 12:41
Update on my life? Let's see... it's official that Shelia is deceased. Unfortuneate for the band, because they had to come back home to get a new vehicle, but fortuneate for me, Candy, & Em to be with our guys for the night. Candy and I left Farmtown at 11pm and drove to Augusta which of course meant going to bed too late and sleeping through all my classes on Wednesday. Oops, my bad. And it was National Hump Day on Wednesday, thanks Mother Nature for putting me on the rag on that momentous day. At least I'm not pregnant I guess.
Our radio show went exceptionally well last night. We got quite a few requests, from people outside listening in the Student Center and from phone calls. We were pretty excited to realize that people actually listen to our show!! And for those of you lame-o's who are supposedly my "friends"--listen to us 6-8 on Wednesday evenings!
I got a 98 on my psych test that I took Tuesday. Sweet.
I really can't wait until this week is overrrrrrr.