Shit has hit the fan.

Jul 20, 2006 10:46



ALOT has been going on with me. Ian and I are doing great as always but we both have a lot of shit going on right now. Ian just got a letter in the mail saying he was going to loose his liscence for not paying some dumbass ticket from soooo long ago and he has a lot of fines to pay and shit and REALLY needs a job to pay rent to live here wiht me and it's hard to get a good job without a liscence. Believe me, I know. Why else would I work at Wendys?

With me...I've been going through a lot also. It's kind of personal but whatever. My friends read this mostly and they have the right to know what is going on in my life. I have been having the worst panic attacks I've ever had in my life within the past month. I've had about 5 this month, and I usuaully only have a couple a year if that. I still do not know what triggers them. They are always at different times and different places and it's starting to get REALLY old. I hate just freaking out and feeling like i'm going to die and cry for no reason and shit. Aaaahhh they are dumb and I hate them. So I finally went to a Crisis Center yesterday and talked to someone and i'm going back today and they are going to help me. That makes me feel a little bit better knowing that I finally have professional help for this gay shit. I've missed two days of work because of this and i'm pissed.

That's about all for that subject, just talking about it pisses me off.

I'm going back to college this September for Business. It's official. I'm going to take a Algebra class through OOB Adult Ed. and then take some other classes through SMCC. I can't wait to get my Associates Degree and open my own business and be my own boss! Of course I really want to open up a pet store but who knows what's going to happen in a few years. I don't.

Well, that's all. Hope you enjoyed the update.

Peace to all.
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