Nov 26, 2011 21:56
This morning, NASA successfully launched a car-sized rover free of Earth's gravity on top of a stack of ferociously explosive rockets, and it's now on its way along an unbelievably precise course that, in nine months, will end at Mars. It's inside a protective shell that will burn through Mars' atmosphere at supersonic speeds before deploying a parachute to slow down enough that a rocket crane can safely lower Curiosity to the Martian surface, where its plutonium power source should allow it to navigate across any terrain it encounters, analyze weather to gather information for possible future manned missions to Mars, look for evidence of water that may not have been on the red planet for several billion years, and search for organic compounds in the chemical composition of rocks using a laser, all without stopping even through harsh Martian winters, for almost two years if not longer.
And after four and a half minutes of full power the center of my microwave meal is still frozen solid.
What the fuck, science??