Jan 15, 2005 22:10
one of the best b-days i could ever ask for..
alyssa present was the coolest/best present i ever got. It made me happy to read every single word in there. It was so awesome. Put a big smile on my face everytime i read through it, must have read through it like 10 times already! :-) makes me smile big! love you alyssa thank you so much, u made my bday 10 times beter than it could ever be!
today we went to san fran, it was cool, we took bart there. me and alyssa went to Rasputinz Music and got like 8 vynles. haha thats like our thing that we do to have fun. its so great. we got like ac/dc , billy idol, def leapard, queen, aerosmith, and ect. its so fun! haha its fun. then we walked around the warf for a while. then go lunch and walked around some more. haha waiting at the trollie car things for like an hour listeing to this old dood play guitar hella bad. haha it was hilaroius, and this little azn girl next to us on the buss was like "that guy is mentally constipated" hahahah that was great! haha helllaaa funny, then me and alyssa went back into razputins and got some more vinyles and then we got guns n roses cd. it was awesome. then we left and got back into pleaston, and our batterie was out, so AAA had to come then we came back, and we went to alyssas house, and hung out and listened to our vinyles, it made me happy! gotta love that girl.
thanks for making my bday so much better honey.. i love you alyssa
.....i think i found my missing piece.....