Jan 03, 2005 20:40
hey people.. its been a while since ive updated
new years: it was fun, but there was some drama that started off in the begingin but it didnt last long.. then david and statsia came over to mandas house and we ended up playing truth or dare for like 4 hours.. hahahhahaha we had a good time. hella funny stuff went down. WHAT A LOVELY TEA PARTY! hahahahhahahahaha that was great.... oh man.. that was my first year that i got to kiss someone on new years... it was worth it
2004 kicked so much ass... not even kidding
i got everything i could ask for
1.a girl that i love and that loves me
2.a band
3. friends
lets see what 2005 has instore for me....
<3 alyssa