Dec 25, 2004 20:26
i had the best christmas anyone could ever ask for......
i spent it all day with alyssa.... so much fun!
i get to pick out any bass that i want thats so cool!
me and alyssa went to my grandparents house and layed on the dock with the new blanket she got me( its so cool! its ninja turtles!) sorry its the best! i love you alyssa! thanks honey! then we just layed and looked on the delta, it was coolio!
im so happy with everything that happend today, it was like perfect, alyssa was happy, i was happy, everyone was happy! it was good! and stephen purposed to heather today also! thats hella cool! congrats to both of you and good luck! on the way home alyssa was sleeping and she just looked so beatiful oh my god and she was holding my hand, just a great feeling...... i love her! ahhh! yay i get to see her 2marrow after her church! weee!
sorry, but i think my christmas was better than anyones! haha!