Zoi & Emerson June 29th 2010

Aug 22, 2010 13:59

So we decided we wanted a pair of Uromastyx which is a lizard from the deserts in Africa. Very sweet, calm, slightly handleable lizard. So we looked around and found a place called The Tyed Dyed Iguana, awesome reptile store, good staff great animals.
They had 3 different types of Uromastyx...
One Mali, two Egyptians and one Yellow Saharan.
We sat in that store for like 3 hours holding all of them.
We really loved the Mali, but we really wanted a pair, so we went for the crazy glass climbing Egyptians.
It took Emerson about 10 minutes to come around once we got him home,
Zoi on the other hand was still for like a day and a half.
Once they finally came around we held them a bunch,
they really did not enjoy it, soo they have become a look at lizard.
Once they get older and approximatly 2 to 3 feet long
they will calm down a lot and become much more handleable...
or so we hope.
Most people do not get that reptiles, lizards especially have personalities.

**Zoi is on the bottom Emerson is top**

Zoi for example is a watcher and a goofball. She sits in her cage and watches everything from what ever we are doing to every motion the cats makes. She is pretty funny, she also has a new trick, which is cute as long as it is 4 am...she sees us coming with her food which are greens or greens & veggies, she loves veggies so if she sees the veggies she gets on the glass and stands with her belly against the glass soo when you open the door she falls out right into the veggie bowl. She does this on purpose, and in the same breathe of falling grabs either a pea or a green bean. Than she sits in the tote completely oblivious to the fact that she is out of her cage, that is until she finishes eating and than freaks out and jumps back into the cage...It is as I said a very cute trick, unless we are feeding them before going to work.

Emerson is a hider and a chickenshit. He jumps at every noise, and runs back into his hole. We do not see him very much anymore. But him a Zoi get along great and that is technically all you can ask for.

No problems with either of them.
Zoi froze for 3 days when we brought her home, but was eating by the next night.
Emerson came right out and just freezes when we move his cage around, which usually only last 24 hours.
Both GREAT eaters, good shedders, great baskers, social in their own way.

Good nite

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