a celebration coming up, i see the rising of dawn. [private thread]

Sep 28, 2008 21:11

The bus into Windsor Terrace was remarkably quiet and uncrowded. Light was grateful for that; noisy, packed environments invariably gave him ferocious headaches, and he was reading, so the unexpected peace and quiet was more than welcome. He sat near the door, backpack on the seat next to him, book (Send In The Idiots by Kamran Nazeer) held open in front of him. As the next stop came up, he glanced at his watch and then out the window, searching for landmarks - and, having ascertained that this was his, put the book away, zipped up his backpack, grabbed his suitcase, and got to his feet.

When they drew to a halt and the doors hissed open, Light hopped out onto the pavement, calling back a "thank you" to the driver. As the bus pulled away, he stood there, looking around him, gripped by a sudden fear that he had gotten the wrong stop, he was in completely the wrong place, totally lost. None of the passers-by looked his way and there was no sign of L and he hadn't arrived early, and--

Then he rolled his eyes mentally and told himself to get a grip, searching around for street signs. No, better yet, there was the post office, right across the street. He was in the right place; all he had to do was wait.

l, backstory

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