What I did this weekend

Aug 07, 2006 23:07

Let's see, where should I start?

Friday night, the baby, T, is extremely restless, not sleeping well at all. He woke up repeatedly and the only thing that seemed to soothe rhim was sleeping in my arms with his head on my shoulder. Plus, he felt warm.

Saturday. As always, I'm up early with the boys. T is still restless but not that bad and he's no longer warm. We meet a friend for brunch at a diner (yo, Brooklyn diners are teh shit). Afterwards we drive around till T falls asleep. My husband drops me and the boys off at home and he goes to run some errands. The boys wake up mere minutes after getting home. I fill the pool and put them in. T is not having it. Normally, he loves the pool. Not that day. My husband gets home and he takes T up for a nap while I stay in with N. T then throws up. I head back in with N and help my husband clean up. T is warm again and not happy. We tried many different things to make him feel better (thinking that it was the teething bothering him). BEd time, once again up all night and in my arms.

Sunday. We skip a family get together on my side of the family. T threw up once that morning, but not too bad. He seems in better spirits, no fever. We have a small barbecue and invite 3 friends over. T started to get restless again, wouldn't nap, and he was getting warm again. We had dinner at my in-laws. After dinner T was miserable. We got home and tried to give him a bath to help cool him off, he wanted nothing to do with it. That night was the same as the others.

Today. I bring him to the doctor. He has a double ear infection and the Coxsackie virus, seems that it's going around right now. We have an antibiotic because of the ears, obviously there's nothing to do about the virus. Just let it run its course.

Man, I need some sleep. I hope everyone else had a better weekend than I did. 'Nite!

health, children

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