Apr 26, 2008 20:10
I have a bunch of books on my 'Religion' shelf ... World Treasury of Modern Religious Thought, Buddha, the Holy Bible - revised standard ed, Why Religion Matters - the fate of the human spirit in age of disbelief, Crystal Enchantments, World Religions from ancient history to the present, the Essential Koran, Peace is Every Step and Present Moment Wonderful Moment by Thich Nhat Hanh, Spirituality For Dummies, Karate-dō - my way of life, Too Soon Old Too Late Smart, Idiots Guide to Taoism, Misquoting Jesus, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Lost Books of the Bible, the Other Bible, Mark Twain on the Damned Human Race plus books on Zen & Tao that are on permanent loan, and other new-agey or magically-inclined books piled on another shelf ...
... and you know which one gives me the most comfort? Murphy's Law by Arthur Bloch. For example, 'Churchill's Commentary on Man': Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened. (Sir Winston Churchill)
And a call out to any science-types out there: New Landlord just installed a Radon Gas Test Kit. Nice of him, but it's a lump of charcoal. And I can't find any reference to how it works. Is it supposed to collect atoms of Radon? Radon is a noble gas and I can't believe you can just use a kinda "carbon flytrap". Is it supposed to somehow record the presence of the radioactive particles that it decays into? Never mind the fact that this particular test is worthless (they installed it under a ceiling fan, six feet from the air-conditioning vent) -- what's the science behind it?