Jul 16, 2009 21:09

...I heard that you two helped Zuko and I.

[There's a pause; she's bad at saying this, after all.] ...thank you.

...I'll say it again.

My hero.

...can't believe I was out for four days.

Did I miss anything important?

((OOC: Enjoy your much-more-personable-than-normal Mai while she lasts. Also, TORA! She didn't leave a message for Zuko because I saw you say, at one point, that he was going to be at the hospital with her... so I figure they spoke when she woke up. And hugged. Quite a lot of that. ): So, yes. I'd love to work out exactly what happened, but it'll have to wait until I'm back from my hiatus, on Sunday or Monday. Same will almost certainly go for any tags to this entry. ♥ ))

ow my everything, people aren't so bad i guess, well except that douche abel

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