Title: Maybe Definitely (7/7)
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 39 000
Rating: NC17 overall
Disclaimer: Everything you can possibly think of, and then some. Spoilers for 40.5 and the entire series, including ShinTenipuri.
Warning: Girl parts, and then some. Crude humour. Misogyny. The usual.
Summary: Renji wakes up as a girl.
Author's Notes: This is a one-
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- Death having a grip like a tennis racquet (these boys are only a tad obsessed about their tennis. I never was like that with archery....then again that's how I destroyed a rotator cuff...)
- The 'MY DAD IS NUMBRE ONE' oneies.
- The continual education of Yukimura on what exactly goes on when one has a baby. C-Section is major surgery....there was no way Renji would be able to play. And as Akaya gladly points out, Renji is out of practise.
- The end as they watch fireworks as a happy family.
No disappointment here.
My favourite part has to be with Renji and Niou. From what I get of canon, the two of them don't really have the closest of relationships, but within this they do get lumped together in a way as they are the first two of have kids, and so close together. Other than of course Yagyuu, I'm pretty sure Renji knows exactly how little Hiromi happened. It was nice to see him as a silent figure of support when I think Niou just needed to know someone was there.
So yesh, much loves! The only thing I would of liked to see was Inui popping back in now that Renji had the baby. But maybe in another story neh?
And that you 'got' Yukimura being an ass about surgery recovery times. Eheh.
Ah, until you mentioned Inui, he completely slipped my mind. Next time, I promise. He'll pop up.
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