FIC: All for One, Tenimyu Rikkai Final Nonsense in Hiroshima, R-ish

Jan 26, 2010 09:56

Title: All for One
Author: Ociwen
Rating: Flexible R-ish
Pairing(s): Baba/himself, Masuda/food
Wordcount: 1900
Disclaimer: No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement of Tenimyu, Konomi, or Ueshima's cracked out mind is intended.
Warnings: Inappropriateness, bad jokes, inside jokes, offensive to everyone.
Author's notes: Written in August after I had the pleasure of being able to see Tenimyu with doingfirst. Based off this post of Masuda's. &hearts

My colloquial "translation" for the uninformed (Please don't bother correcting me, because it's for lols, not edumacation)

IN Hiroshima ♪

We've come to Hiroshima~(^O^)

Tomorrow we finally have a Hiroshima performance!!

Immediately we…

…went to eat okonomiyaki o(^-^)o

And then we ate salty pork (Ociwen says wtf bacon??)

The peeps who went to eat, Rikkai members p(^^)q

Genki, Masu, Shingo, were the members who went o(≧∀≦)o

Sooo tasty (*^o^*) Everyone ate and totes had shitloads of fun (*^-')b

Performance tomorrow!!

For the whole show, will totes do my best ♪

The bus comes to a stop, just outside the hotel. Seigaku, as predicted, files off one by one, except for the Korean dude who bonks his head on the doorway and shouts, "I'm OKAY! GREAT-O" when Taito paws at his arm.

Those bandages during the match?

Well, not everything is fake.

Okki rubs his stomach. Grabs his LV bag and says, "I'm hungry."

"Me too," Ba-chon says.

Okki perks up. "Really?" Baba-senpai never goes out with them. Ba-chon, though, just winks and says something about juice, which catches Mio's attention.

"Got a text from the gf," Mio says.


"Girl. Friend."

Okki says, "Cool."

Ba-chon coughs. It sounds suspiciously like "Renn's rejects". Mio rolls his eyes and says come on. They don't head across the road for the Familymart, though, like Halu-chan and Sasaki. Instead, Mio and Ba-chon walk down the road in the direction of downtown (according to the sign).

"Bars," Shingo says. He turns to Mio and Ba-chon, who disappear down a concrete alley, then back to the group of the rest of them. Okki adjusts the strap of his bag, then pulls on the face mask Genki offers him. Shingo looks torn.

"God, I'm starving," Masuda says. He walks up behind them. The crowds part for him, and the doughnut in his hand. He tears off a hunk. No crumbs fall to the pavement. He purses his lips. Buchou-mode. Method acting. Okki shakes in his shoes, just a bit. Masuda never ever fails to impress.

"Let's get something to eat."

Shingo says, "Sure."

Okki cuts in, even before. "YES!" He high-fives Masuda, grinning from ear to ear. Masuda eats the other half of his doughnut. Then he pulls a bottle from his jeans pocket and downs the energy drink.

Genki shifts his weight from foot to foot.

"Have to pee?" Kane-chan asks. "Bathroom on the bus!"

Genki shakes his head. "My girlfriend hasn't emailed."

Okki puts his arm around Genki's shoulder. "It's okay," he says.

"Wasn't there a convention?" Shingo asks.

"Yeah, for Eyeshield 21 doujinkas," Genki says.

"She'll be fine," Shingo says.

"Are you coming?" Masuda asks Kane-chan. Kane-chan's manager pops out from behind the bus. There's something shiny in his pocket. Okki thinks it's too round and hand-cuffy to be a cellphone.

"Kentarou is going to Miyajima," manager-san says.

"Okay," Kane-chan says. He goes with the manager. Masuda gives them both that look, but the sheen of hair product in manager-san's hair deflects it.

Masuda says, "I know the best okonomiyaki place."

"That's what you said last time. In Osaka," Genki says. He shuts his cell with a sigh. Shingo rubs his shoulders.

"Yeah, and I know the best place in Hiroshima, too," Masuda says. "I should know. I'm from Hiroshima." He lifts his arms. The sleeves of his army jacket flutter back. "Onward, Rikkai!"

Genki marches behind Masuda. Shingo falls into step. Okki runs two steps to join, then one more past Genki to walk beside Masuda. Long legs? Have their benefits sometimes.

"Where's Masa?" Genki asks.

"In Osaka," Shingo says.

"He wasn't on the bus?"

"Not unless Masuda ate him. He had a fan event. He pranced off before we left, singing about his fans, and sunshine."

"No time-wasting!" Masuda shouts. Okki's stomach growls, but Masuda's moves his entire chest cavity. The sleeves of his jacket slap Okki in the face.

At the light, they wait. A group of loud American tourists walk by, bitching and belching about something. Okki remembers enough of his high school eigo (six months ago is forever!!) to understand, "I hate matcha!" and "That's soooo gross".

And then, the fat girl with them squeals. Kinda like Genki, only with chin hair and an extra 200 pounds. "Ooooh look at the hotties!"

Masuda makes a gagging sound. Genki hides behind Shingo, who hides behind his facemask. Okki bounces ahead.

"So where's the place?" he asks.

Masuda nods across the road, "Just over there."

"Near the bomb domes?"

"Near Chococro."

Where Masuda insists they stop for a pre-dinner snack of chocolate mango croissants, and mixed juice. Shingo hands over a thousand note for Masuda's snack. Genki checks his cell again. He makes a high pitched noise. Okki leers over the top of Genki's cap. "Message from Mariko?"

Genki shakes his head. "New Gundam soundtrack out October 18th."

"Cool," Okki says.

"No dawdling!" Masuda shouts from the door.

The okonomiyaki place is next door, in the shopping arcade filled with unintelligible Hiroshima-ben and fat American tourists. Everything smells like oysters. Masuda orders a round of beers, but Shingo shakes his head at the mama-san. "Underage," he says.

Masuda sighs. Okki just stares at the pictures all over the wall. "In service since 1929," he reads. Black and white pictures plaster the walls. In one, the dead zone after the bomb, nothing left standing except the A-bomb dome, and a suspicious little concrete box with a sign that says "Okonomiyaki~!"

"That makes no sense," Shingo says.

Okki shrugs. Masuda ignores them all, pouring over the menu and pointing things out to everyone, and no one. "This is good, but the squid is better. And, oh! The ham and cheese with squash is amazing. But I like this one-oi! Genki!"

Genki looks up from his cell. He mumbles something about sorry, and scuffs his sneakers under the table. Someone says ow. Okki says, "That all looks GREAT!" He claps his hands. Masuda nods sagely.

In the end, they order four of the everything pancakes. Shingo counts the bills in his wallet with a small shake of his head. The mama-san hands the metal spatula to Genki, whose eyes suddenly go crazy bright in the fluorescent lighting. A cackle bubbles out of his facemask.

"Quick!" Okki says.

Shingo reaches into his manbag. He pulls out the Gundam action figure and shoves it into Genki's hands. The spatula clatters to the table. Genki's laughter subsides as he cradles the Gundam to his chest with soft coos. The crazy pink tinge to his eyes dims. Okki breathes a sigh of relief. Shingo takes off his heat to dab at the sweat pouring down his face. Masuda grabs the spatula and starts to slop the okonomiyaki batter onto the grill. He inhales deeply, so hard that his hat falls off.

Okki reaches down to pick it up. A pair of eyes stare at him underneath the table. He jumps, smacks his head on the underside. He blinks and picks his jaw up as the hat is handed to him. "Wada Taisuke?"

Wada Taisuke doesn't blink. "Hi," he says.

"What-what are you doing here?" Okki asks.

Masuda whines where his hat is. He ducks down to take it, and blinks at Wada Taisuke, too. "I thought you were back in Tokyo?" he asks. "Aren't you retarded until December?"

"Retired," Shingo says.

Wada Taisuke untangles himself from the ball under the table to climb out into the booth seats with the rest of them. Genki says hey. Wada Taisuke says hey back to him, and moves the Gundam away from the grill, where the Gundam's foot was starting to melt a little.

"Nori?" Masuda asks.

Wada Taisuke stares at the food. He says nothing. Masuda pours half the bottle of Nori onto the okonomiyaki closest to him. "Suit yourself," he says. Smoke rises from the grill when the sauce spills over the edge and starts to sizzle. Masuda horks a wad onto the floor. Shingo bends down to clean it up. Then Masuda starts to hack away at the pancakes. Genki slides his plate over the table, and Masuda says thanks. He serves himself, and hands the spatula to Genki.

Okki grabs it first, just in case. He cuts a piece for the Gundam, then for Genki.

Shingo says, "You just gave the Gundam my plate."

Masuda coughs another wad of mucus onto the floor.

"Why don't you wear a mask?" Okki asks.

Genki tries to shove a mouthful into his mask. Masuda just raises his eyebrows. He inhales half his pancake, and eyes the one in front of Okki. "All the better to eat with…" he mutters.

"Cool," Okki says. He serves up the entire pancake onto his plate before Masuda has a chance. Masuda, though, shouts down the mama-san for another round of okonomiyaki, and some salted pork, too.

"Want any?" he asks Wada Taisuke.

Wada Taisuke doesn't answer for a beat. Then two. Then, "It's okay. I'll wait for Masa-san to come and take me out."

"But he won't be here until tomorrow if he has an event," Okki says. Over the radio, country music comes on. Okki's feet can't help but start an Electric Slide under the table.

"It's okay," Wada Taisuke says. "I'll wait." Then he slides back under the table. He says nothing when Okki's boots jab him in the arm. But when Genki starts to kick his feet back and forth, squirming and wriggling when his cellphone vibrates on the table, Wada Taisuke mutters an "Ow."

"Sweet!" Genki says. Tears shine from the corners of his eyes. He holds up his cellphone to everyone. Wada Taisuke even peeks his head up from under the table to see.

"Mariko found a new Gundam in Sendai." Genki starts to sniffle. Shingo offers a Kleenex. Masuda flips over an okonomiyaki and douses it with sauce.

"A new action figure?" Okki asks.

Genki says no. "It was hiding in a park. 100 feet of metallic beauty."

On the cellphone, a chubby girl with glasses and dressed in Hiruma football cosplay flashes a v for her cellphone camera. Behind her, a behemoth Gundam in the park, tree branches twisting over its shoulders.

Someone lets out a drawn-out cry.

Everyone looks over at Genki, who blinks and shrugs and scratches his hair. Then Masuda slumps over his plate, hands curling over the spatula handle as he moans. His eyes roll back into his head. "My okonomiyaki's burning…."

Shingo closes his eyes. He pulls out another thousand yen, and nods to the mama-san. "Another order," he says.

Okki scrapes the burnt pancake off the grill, onto the floor. Wada Taisuke moves under the table towards it.

"This is amazing!" he says. He closes his eyes, with a smile on his face.

Okki grins his ass off. "Isn't it? Did you get a bit with the oyster?"

In that moment, the wind whips up in the hot steam, untouched by the rattling A/C that drowns out Masuda's faint moans and the sizzle of the pancakes on the grill. In the doorway of the restaurant, a shadowed figure pauses, then dances in with a quick plié and a twirl of his hips.

The food drops from Wada Taisuke's mouth. "Masa?"

"No," the voice says. A cigarette drops from his lips. And then behind him, a second shadow dances out, gyrating against the first before twirling out in a symmetrical pose.

"It is…"

Genki clings to his Gundam. A puff of smoke explodes from the okonomiyaki grill. Masuda grabs another bottle from his pocket and chugs it. Okki fixes his contacts. Shingo quivers in the booth seat.

"We hope…"

"…the okonomiyaki is…"

Then, in perfect unison, the words roll off two tongues in faux-Kansai-ben, "Ekusutashi!"

Okki rolls onto the floor with Wada Taisuke and rofls until Baba and Mio show up, drunk as tanukis and with a pair of chicks hanging off their arms.

"Bestest night ever," Okki tells Wada Taisuke. The grin is pasted to his face so badly it hurts.

Wada Taisuke stares straight ahead. And then he nods.


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