FIC: Kizuna Bonds (Baba + Ikemen, Rish)

Aug 23, 2008 07:54

Title: Kizuna Bonds
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 4800
Rating: Rish
Pairing: Er…it's all about the Baba, really.
Disclaimer: This is 100% real of course, although Arena 37C owns Masa and his collection of bath salts.
Warning: Sex, scatology and Fufukawa Yuta. Inside jokes about everything and references to PureBOYS Backstage Files DVD #2 and Masa's First Live.
Summary: Baba and Masa share some kizuna bonds. And then some.
Author's Notes: doingfirst gets massive thanks for a gazillion ideas and bb chat logs. lol.

Happy Birthday, Masa! &hearts

Sharing is caring.

There's something heavy on him, licking his neck. He smiles and rubs his head into the pillow.

"Ryuu…" he mutters.

Ryuu giggles. And licks his neck some more.

Baba giggles too. And then he remembers that Ryuu doesn't giggle-he barks.

Huh, Baba thinks. But it hurts too much to think. When he tries to open his eyes, the light makes them ache more. His mouth is fuzzy. His throat is dry. His body is limp and useless and the girl crawling over him and pawing at his chest is getting more and more irritating by the second. He can't sleep like this.

He groans.

"You're up!" she says. Baba can't remember her name. He cracks his eyes open a little more. She's got dyed brown hair and messed-up makeup. She smells like a weird combo of fried chicken, come and hair spray. Baba's stomach churns.

He grunts. Her tits bounce when she claps. Luckily, he's not too hungover to not appreciate the sight of dappled morning sunlight playing with her pale rack and her tan nipples the same way his hands did last night.

Yeah baby…

"Yeah baby," he mumbles.

"Yeah!" she shrieks. She claps her hands like a seal. Her smile is about as gormless. She leans forward and breathes in his face. Baba cringes. Flowery smell in the morning is not something he wants-dog breath, yes, Lotte breath mints, yes, but not roses. He buries his face in the pillow to stop himself from heaving.

"Baaaaby," she says, "your phone's been going for a while."

He rolls over. His neck is wet and the pillow sticks to it, along with his hair-ruined, of course, since Emi-chan (or whatever her name was) kept running her hands through it last night. Or this morning. He can't really remember.

Something buzzes under the pile of clothes tossed on the floor. Baba stands up. He stretches. He looks back over his shoulder. Emi-chan is pouting at him. Then, she picks at her nails and twirls a strand of her hair.

Baba doesn't remember it looking that crispy last night. She's got a rats' nest on her head and a purple hickey on her neck. He shrugs. He scratches his balls with one hand. With the other, he flips his cell phone open.

Seven messages.

Four from his manager.

"Aw, shit," he says. He clicks the most recent one.

Filming is starting in ten minutes! Where are you? Come to Sendagaya Station South Exit ASAP-car will pick you up!

Baba totally forgot about that, too.


Emi-chan clip-clops all the way to the station in her espadrilles. Baba's head throbs. He ruffles the back of his hair. Makeup will have to fix his bed head later for him.

"Wait!" Emi-chan calls. Clip clop. Clip clop.

Baba walks faster. His balls itch. He scratches them, then adjusts his dick-hang right, like usual.

"Baaaby!" she whines. "Waaaaaait!" Her voice cuts the traffic rush in two. She hobbles up to him. Baba waits at the crosswalk and rolls his eyes. The sun is too bright today. His contacts swim around his eyeballs. The hangover makes it hard to see. McDonald's signs and blue and white Lawson across the crosswalk blur into one vomit-inducing sludge. A homeless dude sleeping on the sidewalk splits into two when Baba sees double. The crosswalk changes and sings. Baba rushes across the zebra strips. Emi-chan clip-clops behind him.

In the station, she spazzes on the steps. She screams. Baba doesn't blink-he cringes. His headache presses harder on his skull. "Baby, my ankle's twisted!" Emi-chan howls. She clings to the stair railing and looks pathetic. She sniffles. Baba checks his cellphone clock.

"Gotta go," he says. He waves his fingers. "See ya some time!"

Her protest follows him to the ticket machine, then the commuters drown it out. Baba sighs. On the platform, he hunts down the nearest vending machine. Coca-cola, thank god. A train pulls up to the platform. The vending machine glows at him. The next train isn't for another ten minutes.

Baba picks the vending machine.

120 yen well spent, he thinks. Qoo slides down his throat, sweet and delicious and orangey on his tongue. The can is cold and pleasantly perspiring in his hand. He leans against a pier and sighs again. He swishes another swig of Qoo around his mouth. The pounding in his skull is already lessening.

His cellphone buzzes in his pocket. Another message from the manager. Baba ignores it. He clicks the menu for internet, favourite pages. He stares at his cellphone and purses his lips, posing for a picture with his Qoo can as best he can without falling over.

Not bad, he thinks. He pulls at his collar and pops it up. His neck is sweaty, but he didn't find his sweat towel in his back pocket. Emi-chan might have swiped it as a memento of their not-soul-bonded-sweet-and-savoury-lovemaking.

Eight minutes to the next train is more than enough time to type out:

Everyone, good morning~!

Today is warm, ne?

Nothing like a cold, orange drink. My fav! (^-^)v

I'm filming today. It'll be fun. But I can't tell you what it is yet. Wait and see (lol)!!


Manager-san is pissed.

Baba stares at her. He shrugs. "Sorry," he says. He's not. "Train was running late." It wasn't.

Filming three scenes takes the entire day. Emi-chan calls four times and texts thirteen. Filming stops three times when Baba accidentally stuffs his cell in his back pocket. A condom packet falls to the ground. It has a pleasant crinkle when one of the cameramen steps on it.

"Sorry!" Baba says. He slides the condom into his front pocket instead.

Lol, he thinks. He looks at the space invader helmet in the dressing room mirror. It looks like a Kamen Rider, but with bigger insect eyes. Baba turns his head. He can barely see through the eye shield. He can see the case of Kirin on the adjacent dressing table, though. It's sitting next to his script, so really, he can't help but swipe a can or three.

Filming goes much faster after that. Baba teeters. Cameras roll. His co-stars angst and fight with nunchucks. Baba flails his arms during the fight scene. His fake sword smacks the back of one of the other actors. Under his mask, he laughs.

On the train home, his phone buzzes. Baba's hand hovers over the delete button to chuck Emi-chan's latest message, but another name pops up instead.

Have u tried the new kirin beer omg!!??

Baba smirks. The train jerks sideways. Baba sways into the general direction of an OL. Her white shirt is unbuttoned at the top and he can see a hint of cleavage. He licks his lips, then he responds to Masa's message.

no. filming today. space invaders movie or something

There is a beat of a minute, and a station or two, before a response vibrates.

wow!!! awesome!!!

Baba types. naw, its shit. lol.

Masa's response is almost immediate: ????

Baba laughs to himself. The train doors open with the cheery little song. OL with the cleavage has to inch closer to him to make room for the salarymen and university students and two dumb gaijin with giant backpacks. Baba rolls his eyes and types.

gotta be drunk to do this movie

He's about to press send when something smacks him in the back of the head-and probably not one of the hand holds on the train, either.

wanna get some food 2nite?

Masa suggests meeting in four stops on the Yamanote line. New kirin YAY! \(*^-^*)/


Masa sticks out like the torii gates at Miyajima. He wiggles. He bops. He wears sunglasses and a manbag with Stitch embroidered on the side. Baba nods. Masa waves. He bounces over.

"Hey!" he says.

Baba says, "Yo."

Masa's grin starts to fade. His stomach growls between track announcements.

"Hungry?" Baba asks. He shifts his weight onto his other foot. Then he adjusts his dick. Masa nods furiously.

"Yeah, I just finished dance practice with Yuta and-"

"That's nice," Baba says. He looks at his nails. He looks at his reflection in a large plexiglass-covered advertisement for tea. Hair needs fixing-move three parts to the left and smooth down over his forehead. Baba puckers his lips. Perfect. Hot. Chicks will dig it.

Masa keeps babbling. Baba smoothes the back of his hair. He flips his cellphone open. Three messages. One from Kouhei, one from manager-san, one from Mom. He looks at Masa. "Where'd you want to go? Yakiniku?"

Masa's eyes go wide. He opens his mouth, then he hesitates. Baba knows this expression. And he knows the way that Masa looks away with watery eyes, a bit like Ryuu when Baba shuts the bathroom door in the mornings…

"Uh, maybe we could just eat at my place?" Baba says.

Masa's face breaks into a new grin. Sigh of relief. "I got your mom's number from last time!" Masa says. "Should I call and say we're coming?" He dances toward the gates and flashes his wallet out. Masa's chains rattle on the Suica card reader. Baba stuffs his hands in his pants and follows.

On the train, Masa says, "Guess what I got?"


Masa scrunches his nose up. His face is pink. The old lady with the hunchback across from them farts and makes a scrunched up face too.

"No!" Masa hisses. He shifts his eyes. Baba shifts his eyes too. Masa opens his manbag. Baba looks inside: PET bottles and Stitch sweat towels, face masks, iPod and feathers.

Fufu, he thinks. Bird brain. Lol.

Masa pushes all his junk aside. "Look!" he says. He's a kid in the JUMP shop when he shows Baba some weird picture of…

"It's Niou and Yagyuu! Isn't it cool?" Masa asks. "It just came out yesterday and I went to the shop near the studio where Yuta and I were practicing and-"

Chicks are staring. Chicks are giving them weird looks. Masa gushes. He points at the bromide. Baba inches away. When the hot chick with the blue eyelashes and knee-high boots curls her lip at them, Baba shakes his head. He crosses his hands. No! I'm not like that!

The girl moves to the other end of the carriage at the next stop.

"Put those away!" Baba tells Masa. "You're making the hot chicks creeped out."

Masa blinks. "Hot chicks?" He looks around.

"It's lame."

Masa frowns. He starts to wibble and give Baba the silent treatment. Baba feels vaguely guilty. He flips his cellphone open and pretends to pay attention to his messages. His cell vibrates in his hand.

Message from Masa.

Baba raises an eyebrow. He looks at Masa, who's popped his ear buds in and is busy typing messages on his cell. Then he looks down at the message.

y r u so moodie? pms???


Masa makes a noise. Baba bites down a smile, too.

lol mayb

filming is dumb. kumiko-chan on her rag.


Baba checks his photo storage. He sends Masa the cutest pic he has of Kumiko-chan. She has a gummy smile and flashes a v at his cellphone camera.

almost posted that last time on blog like kanechan the retard. lol oops (^_~)

Masa doesn't respond. Baba elbows him in the side. Masa stares at his LCD with eyes so wide they nearly pop out of his head. Baba takes his cellphone away.

"Oops," he says. Wrong pic..

Kumiko-chan flashes a v at his cellphone camera. Topless. Nice tits, a bit triangular and big, pointy nipples, but from the angle, it's hot. Baba's dick twitches. He rubs himself through his pants, then he closes Masa's jaw for him. He hands Masa back his cell after closing the message.

"I saved the pic onto your phone for you," Baba says. "Sharing is caring."


Ryuu jumps up to Baba's knees first. He reaches Masa's thighs second. Baba scoops him up. Ryuu wiggles.

"Kiss kiss!" Baba says. Ryuu slimes his chin and mouth. Baba grins. Ryuu barks. Coco-chan rushes out. Her claws click on the floor. It's a much better sound than listening to whats-her-name from this morning in those plastic espadrilles.

"I'm home!" he calls. Baba tosses his manbag onto the floor. He scratches his balls. His mom walks out and looks at him.

"Itchy?" she asks. The apartment smells like beef. Awesome. Masa's already floating off to the kitchen in search of beer and Baba's dad.

Baba shrugs.

"The dogs had their flea shots last month."

"Cool," he says.

His mom sighs. Baba doesn't get it. Ryuu runs a circle around his feet. His tail wags. His tongue lolls. Baba lolls his tongue too and Ryuu grins at him in that simple, doggy way. Baba's heart melts.

They don't drink the new Kirin beer, but Masa tells Baba's dad all about it. Yuta shows up halfway through supper. Ryuu is the first one to hear, then Coco-chan scrambles for the door too. And Masa. Masa high-fives Yuta.

"Beer?" he offers.

"Cool," Yuta says.

Baba cracks open another bottle for himself. He belches. He leans back in his chair and pats his stomach. Then he cups his dick. His mom gives him a weird look.

"Are you sure you're all right, Toru?" she asks.

Baba says he's fine.

"Maybe you should see a doctor."

Baba says he's fine.

"Either Ryuu's given you fleas," she says, "or you have crabs."

"I like crab!" Masa says. "I like oysters too! We have oysters in Hiroshima and…"

Baba laughs. Ryuu clicks across the floor with Oden-kun in his mouth. He deposits Oden-kun under Baba's chair and sits. And waits. And wags his tail. Play with me, Toru. Play with me. I love you.

"Love you too, babe," Baba mouths. Je t'aime.

Yuta slings his arm around Baba's shoulder. He swipes the last piece of grilled beef off Baba's plate. Baba shouts. Yuta shouts. Masa claps and holds up his beer: "Kampai!"

"Crabs aren't fun, little bro," Yuta says.

Baba shoves Yuta off. He grabs Masa by the arm and drags. "Come on," he says. Baba slams his bedroom door. Masa holds out his beer.


Baba shakes his head.

"Are we having crab tonight too?" Masa asks. He leans back and does a plié across the room. He wiggles and pliés back. It looks a bit fruity. Gay.

Baba snorts.

Masa says, "What?"

"You're prancing."

"Yuta taught me that!"


Masa looks confused. His nose twitches. When he does that, he looks a bit like Doraemon, only less blue. Ryuu paws at the door and whines. Baba's chest squeezes. He can't ignore it, so he lets Ryuu (with Oden-kun in mouth) inside. Ryuu drags Oden-kun across the floor and sets it by Baba's feet.

"Fufukawa," Baba says.

Masa frowns. "Yuta's a good guy. His debut single is really-"

"Lame," Baba says.

Masa goes quiet and serious. He's no fun like this. Ryuu drags Oden-kun over to Masa's feet. Masa looks down. He's got purple bags under his eyes and the beer can starts to slip in his hand. Baba grabs it.

"Are we really having crab tonight?" Masa asks. He picks up Oden-kun. It's slimy on the one end and a bit chewed up.

"Uh, no," Baba says.

Masa says "?".

Baba scratches his balls. Then the back of his neck. "My mom's just making jokes."

"About shellfish?"




Masa turns red. He tosses Oden-kun onto the floor. Ryuu runs for it and slides into Baba's piled up camo pants, tossed there last week after post-Amesuta drinking with Kouhei.

Baba lets a smile creep over his face. He rubs his chin. His contact swims-dry eyes, but his drops are in his manbag in the hallway. Too much effort. Fetch, Ryuu, get Toru-chan his bag, please baby…

"Don't worry," Baba says. "Friends don't let friends stay virgins."

"I'm not-"

Baba pats Masa on the back. Masa tries to slink away doing a grapevine, but he trips over Oden-kun and ruins his little R&B dance. His pant leg rolls down from his knee. Baba stands over him and offers a hand.

"Don't worry."


Sender: 武田航平
Time: 23:23

sooooo waseted!!!! lololol got thron out of the club they cot me smoking and said I couldnt so I said to fuck of lololollolo!!

ps kumiko called and said she wants to cum out to help u

Sender: 武田航平
Time: 23:57

ppppss wut time is pb practice tomorrow?

Baba scratches his head. His hair is wet from the shower. He styles a swirl in the mirror, then he ruffles it back. Ryuu is curled up on the end of his bed. Perfect picture. Perfect blog post.

Everyone, good evening!

Here's a picture of Ryuu! Isn't he cute? He likes to sleep~! (.ω.)

Filming was hard today. I'm tired too! Good night! Let's do our best in the morning.

257 comments on the last ameblog entry. Baba presses the "delete all" option. He yawns. Maybe Masa reads all his comments, but they’re always the same. "Ba-chon, we love you!" "Ba-chon, do your best!" "Ba-chon, Ryuu-chan is so cu~~uticle!"

Baba strokes Ryuu's ears. Softer than the smoothest pussy, and silkier too. He rubs his face in Ryuu's side. Ryuu moves. He smells furry and dog-like. Beautiful. Baba rests his chin on Ryuu, then he sighs.

Recipient: 武田航平
Time: 00:07

sorry I forget mayb ask ouji


Baba can feel someone hovering. He looks over his shoulder. Masa's big eyes stare at him, black and round like Ryuu's.

"Um," Masa says.

Baba rereads his message to Kouhei. Then, it dawns on him. He nods. He pats his pillow. "It's cool, you can stay the night."

"Thanks," Masa says. "I just got so busy talking with your mom that I forgot about my train…"

Baba nods. "It happens."

Although usually it's because he's got some pretty thing with dyed hair bouncing on his dick in a cheap hotel in Shibuya…


She has beer breath and soft hair. She's got her arms around him in a tight hold and a damp exhaling on his neck. Baba grunts. She moves closer and hugs him closer.

And then Baba feels a dick pressed to his thigh.

Chicks don't have dicks.

His eyes fly open. He blinks. Masa curls his hands into Baba's biceps. Baba tries to push him away. Sleep makes him weak. Masa has a death grip on his arms and when his legs twitch, he's got the dancer's strength in his thighs pinning Baba down.

"Oi!" Baba hisses. "I'm not a girl!"

Masa opens his eyes. Then he closes them, and opens them again. He makes sleepy noises and peels his sticky hands off Baba's arms. "Sorry…" he mutters, "Did it again."

"It's okay," Baba says. His brain screams Dick on leg! Dick. On. LEG!

Tomorrow, he's totes calling Kumiko-chan as soon as he remembers.


His mom doesn't wake him. A naked chick sprawled across his torso doesn't wake him either. Neither does Ryuu-having hopped off his bed sometime when he was sleeping, and replaced with a squirming, circling Coco-chan.

Masa left at some ungodly hour. Baba half-recalls Masa peeling himself off yet again just after the crack of dawn.

"Got shooting for a really sweet tv pilot," Masa said.

Baba grunted. He stuffed his head under his pillow.

"I play a zombie," Masa said. "It's really intense and I've been practicing my zombie growl all week with Yuta…"

Fufu is not someone Baba wants to hear about at half-past five. He was about to throw a pillow at Masa, but that was too much effort. That, and his mom was up making omeraisu for Masa before he left.

Baba rolled over and went back to sleep.

Now, Baba holds his arms out. No Ryuu. Coco-chan squirms into them. Her curly fur is soft. Oden-kun is chewed up on the floor. Stuffing hangs out the one end. Baba blinks. His eyes have crusted over. He pokes around for his contacts, but they aren't there.

He shuffles into the toilet room and locks the door. The DS is on top of the toilet paper holder. A paw tries to wedge itself under the doorway just as Baba starts a new game. Ryuu whines. Baba shifts his hips. The toilet seat is turned on too hot for this weather. His ass sweats.

No omeraisu for him, just a note taped to the fridge. Baba bends down to read it. Ryuu licks at his heels. It tickles.

Toru-your manager called when you were on the toilet. Please call her back.

He crumples the note up and tosses it into the garbage can across the kitchen. Miss. He's a soccer player, not a basketball star. Ryuu and Coco-chan both run after the paper ball. Baba doesn't notice who eats it.

In the shower, he pulls at his dick. It looks big and perfect today. Like usual. He thinks about Kumiko-chan and her gummy smile wrapping around his dick. That's perfect too. Baba moans. And then he remembers Masa's random, nocturnal embracing and dick-on-thigh.

Call Kumiko-chan, right.

Baba calls Ouji first.

"What time is practice?" he asks.

There's a pause. And then a breathy, high-pitched laugh. "Maybe two."

Baba checks his cellphone screen. 1:45. And then he checks the train schedule on the digital screen overhead. Twenty minutes from Toshima to Yoyogi. Tons of time.

Ouji's probably all the way still in Kawasaki still. Baba lols under his breath. Ouji lols on the other end of the line and says he'll see Baba in an hour.

One missed call. Baba clicks. The number looks sorta familiar. He thinks for a minute and sips his Coke. Right, Hiromi. He sighs and dials. Hiromi picks up on the first ring.

It's always awkward talking to him. The little tight-ass.

"Where are you?" Hiromi asks.

Baba sets his coke down. He looks around-no station attendant-and lights a smoke. He takes a deep breath. "Ikebukuro."

"We have practice!" Hiromi says. He's probably making a >:| face right now.

Go suck a Lucky Boy! Baba thinks. Oh wait-you've never been picked! He smirks to himself and takes another drag. Down the platform, a station attendant approaches. Baba walks toward the smoking section. "Yeah," he says, "I'm on my way."

"Most of us are already here," Hiromi says. Baba is pretty sure he also says "Idiot" as well. He hangs up.

Tight-ass shrimp.

There is a train approaching, but there is also Kumiko to call. Baba looks at his smoke. Still half of that, too.

He scratches his balls and waits for the next train.


It is the middle of Amesuta.

His cellphone starts to vibrate in his pocket.

Baba doesn't notice at first. Not really. Kei-chan is winking at the chicks on the other side of the glass and Kouhei looks about ready to pass out over his homework. Takuya is talking about watermelons in buttfuck Nagano prefecture. Yuichi looks like a giant tard next to Baba, but his t-shirt with the picture of tits on the front is pretty cool. Baba rubs his palm over his dick under the table. Then he touches his pocket.

Right. Broadcast. No can call during airtime.

He takes a swig of his water bottle, then he laughs at whatever Kei-chan was going on about. He hasn't been paying attention and it really doesn't matter. "Yeah!" Baba says. "My dog does the same thing."

"Cutting as ever," Kei-chan says.

Baba smirks. A beat pause, then he nods. "Mn."

Everyone except Hiromi laughs.

Tight-ass, Baba thinks.

Ouji is Lucky Boy. Pictures with leis around their necks and Hiromi sulking. Yuichi laughs at the walls and Kouhei looks hungover. Backstage, Baba asks, "How's the head?"

Kouhei waves his hand. "I need a beer."

"Sake bomb?" Baba asks.

"Sounds good," Kouhei says. He pumps his fist. Then he beats his chest and shouts, "Yeah!"

Baba yells too. "Yeah!"

As they exit through the back door, his cell goes off. Baba flips it open. Kumiko-chan. He grins and holds his hand up. "Hold on," he says.

Kei-chan and Kouhei wait. Hiromi keeps walking ahead.

Kumiko answers on the second ring. "Toru!" she says.

Baba can barely hear her. There's shrieking in the background. And frantic rattling. Like she's at the east side of Shinjuku or something.

"Hey babe," he says.

Kouhei leers. Kouhei waggles his eyebrows and grins. "Hot stuff?" he whispers. "Let me meet her!" Baba pushes him down. Kouhei's short-easy as pie.

Baba cups his phone closer to his ear. "Where are you?"

Kumiko says, "Something something your friend! I came over right away and something something something."

The loud crash that follows isn't a good sign.

"Hang on," Baba says.


Masa has locked himself in the bathroom.

Kumiko-chan flings the door open. Fufu stands behind her with a stuck-up expression. He flips his hair back. Kumiko is flushed and her tits heave. Baba licks his lips. Yeah…

"I took off my top and he just freaked!" she says.

"Masa phoned me and said that some deranged person was trying to rape him," Fufu says. He sniffs and flips his hair. "I tried to sing him one of the songs from my Debut Release." He tiptoes in front of Kumiko-chan and sniffs again. There's an acoustic guitar propped against Masa's window. Baba rolls his eyes. He scratches his balls in front of Fufu-just because he has some.

"Do my breasts look funny?" Kumiko-chan whispers. She bats her fake lashes at Baba. Her lip wobbles. She clings to him with her sparkly glitter nails and dozen bangles. Baba likes the sound of them when they jingle in bed as she rides him.

"They're cute," he says. "My friend's just weird."

Fufu looks offended. Baba grins. Then he bangs on Masa's toilet door. The low warbling inside stops for a moment when Baba calls Masa's name.

"My friend came over to help you," Baba says. "She'll be nice and gentle. You can touch her tits. They're nice too." Baba touches them. He rubs her nipples through her shirt. Kumiko hums.

Masa yowls-he's off-tune and shrieking about the sun shining away. Something crashes on the inside of the door. Probably his collection of bath salts, or his Stitch toothbrush holder.

Baba sighs. He tries the door handle. Masa's locked it good and hard. He looks back to Kumiko-chan, who is nearly in tears again and staring at her rack, and Fufu, who paces and pliés like a fairy.

"Hey," Baba says, "aren't we friends?"

Masa's howl breaks.

"Kizuna bonds and shit, like…uh…" Baba thinks. It's a bit difficult, being a Friday night, without a large beer and spread of fried onigiri and shrimp chips with dip. "Like…."

Fufu twinkles and twirls and glares at Baba. Kumiko-chan plays with her tits and jiggles them in her hands. Baba wouldn't mind helping her out.

"Like Niou and Yagyuu?" Baba offers.

"Really?" Masa whispers.

"Yeah," Baba says.

The door handle clicks. Masa must have unlocked it. Baba presses his face to the door. In a small voice he says, "And you know that Yagyuu and Niou share chicks too, right? Like bffs?"

"Really?" Masa asks. He sniffles.

"Really really," Baba says. He catches Kumiko-chan's eye and flags her down. She rushes over. Her tits heave. Baba gets a final quick grope before Masa opens the door. Kumiko-chan giggles.

"Anything for my Toru-kun," she says.

The door opens enough. Masa's big, brown eyes look out and survey the territory. Baba shoves Kumiko-chan into the doorway.

"Enjoy!" he calls.

Baba leaves. He treats himself to a juice in the vending machine at the end of the building corridor. No beer, but Qoo is a close second. The can hisses when he cracks it open. Baba sighs. He can almost hear giggles from Masa's apartment, but knowing Masa, it might also be the sound of his Lilo and Stitch DVD on repeat.

Still. Mission accomplished.

Except that Fufu is in the elevator with him. Baba curls his lip. "What?" he snaps.

Fufu flips his hair. "You haven't noticed," he says.

Baba shrugs.

Fufu taps his knee-high boot. "You still haven't noticed," he says.

Baba shrugs. The floors tick by. The elevator rattles and heaves. Baba stares at the corner and expects a cockroach to pop out. It'd be cooler than Fufu and more interesting to talk with.

Cockroach-kun…where are you…?

"I have a new haircut," Fufu says.

Baba looks at him. He raises one eyebrow, then he raises the next. His phone buzzes. Kouhei and the boys probably want to meet him somewhere to pick up chicks. Baba puffs his chest up and fixes his own hair in the reflection of the elevator panel.

"Your hair cut is girly," Baba says. He preens. He puckers his lips. He turns to the side and smirks at himself.

Hot stuff.

Fufu says, "Duh. I am a girl."

Baba trips on the hem of his camo cargo pants on the way out of the elevator.

pureboys, rikkaimyu, crack

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