Title: Accidentally All Right (3/3)
Author: Ociwen
Rating: NC17
Pairing(s): Kirihara/Yanagi + others
Wordcount: 24 000
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created by Konomi Takeshi. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Warnings: Lots of boobs, a few pubes and the crotchless panties
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Comments 21
That was so good that I read it four or five times before I could move on. This was as good to me, if not more so, as Denoument, though I had no expectations either way when I began reading it. There's never any comparison between any of your fics because they're all so individually perfect.
I loved the dynamic here and, as is typical of me, am completely in love with your Kirihara. That was excellent, A. Happy Birthday, indeed. :D
Oh, Pix, you're the best- I'm so glad you liked this, truly. Four drafts and it still felt messy and all over the place, but your comment...really meant a lot to me. Like, as much as cake means to Marui.
Yanagi buys Akaya's bento stuff, but assembles them at home. Probably. He can make rice, but not much else.
You were right about the hate mail, yes. Originally, I'd thought that Kirihara might make an angry post on his blog to his fans, but then decided against it.
Thank you so very much, as ever, Maye! Even more because I know Yanagi/Kirihara isn't your fav thing, either.
(The comment has been removed)
Poor Akaya- he won't be number one in the world until Yukimura retires, ne?
Thank you so very much, N. *offers many thanks and boxes of [crotchless] panties*
(Yes, yes, there was Andy/Hana. *squirms* Ideally, I'd like to indulge in writing them later this summer, but we'll see. Your intuition about them is 100%, entirely, completely correct, though! ^-^)
Again, thank you so so much for the wonderful comment. I've saved it in my inbox because it means so much. And, also yes, I do hope to write a D1 version of this verse eventually--maybe this fall?
I will be looking out for the D1! I would LOVE to read an Andy/Hana fic! I am already laughing to myself at how their respective parents would react! (Sanada says no sex, tarundoru!)
I would hope one day to be un-anon but I am really just the biggest lurker who ever lurked... :-/ I don't have much to contribute to the fandom in a fic or art way, so I thought this would be a good way to give back. Not like my comments are all that great or important, but I wanted to show appreciation to those who make our fandom so shiny and fun- and you've always been one of my favorite authors!! So for now, allow me to just fan girl in anon-form until I work up the courage (or the talent) to add more to fandom! :-)
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