Drabble-age (1374 words, SanaYuki + Halloween + chocolate)

Dec 17, 2007 09:37

Title: Yet even more untitled Rikkai Halloween Crap
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 1374
Rating: PG13ish
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all.
Summary: Sanada and Yukimura. And chocolate.
Author's Notes: The last not part of not really anything. Happy Halloween!

Grumbling “Tarundoru” over this Halloween project would be the understatement of the year.

Yagyuu was off with Niou doing things that Sanada did not want to know about but he already knew that it was probably involving naked boys and plastic toys and he would hear all about it in biology class tomorrow anyway.

The project had, in essence, been dumped on Sanada. And because Sanada Genichirou was noble and hard-working and not a quitter, he’d be up all night finishing it, if need be.

Renji wasn’t available to call and bitch to. He was off with the rest of the team at the school dance. Sanada cursed his luck. He cursed Halloween and the stupid cosplaying, the stupid candy and the stupid everything about it, especially stupid school projects in English class.

Sanada had done his research. He watched a movie called The Exorcist yesterday and spent the better part of last night unable to sleep because he couldn’t get the imagined stench of pea soup out of his mind. It reminded him too much of the gruel Yukimura complained about in the hospital and gave him the willies.

His mother suggested visiting the haunted house at Disneyland Tokyo. Sanada said no. He’d been once when he was eleven and Renji still laughed at him for it. Sanada hated ghosts. He hated having things pop out in front of him. He hated rides that spun (they made him barf) and he hated spooky noises.

But he was the good student. There weren’t any pumpkins at the grocery store, but there were turnips. It took nearly an hour, but his efforts produced something similar to the jack-o-lanterns in the handouts they received in class. He wanted to burn a candle inside for the full effect, but his father refused to allow any tea lights in his bedroom.

Unlike Yagyuu, Sanada had no cosplay. He had no desire to go and spend the evening on the train to Tokyo to go to Tokyu Hands and spend his money on a cosplay outfit he would never wear again. Instead, he snuck into the dojo.

And fumbled with the case. There was only one costume in the house. If it would answer his project question, he would do it. The family heirloom. The samurai suit that the museums didn’t ask about.

Sanada rubbed his hands together. He itched to touch the steel and plate armour. He would be the legendary samurai fighter reborn!

Sanada reached for the helmet and-

“What are you doing Genichirou?”

Sanada’s shoulders slumped. He turned around slowly and saw first his brother’s smirking face, and then the scowl of his grandfather. And the cane he was smacking his palm with, a warning.

Sanada slunk back to his bedroom, no costume, no nothing except his hakama, which wasn’t a costume at all.

And now Sanada was expected to write a report on the significance of Halloween in contemporary Western culture. All he had was a hollowed-out turnip sitting on his desk making his school notes smell like root vegetable.

He poked a pocky stick into the eye of the turnip. It was going to be a long night. Yagyuu’s plans to go get drunk and naked with Niou…Sanada didn’t think they were quite so stupid after all.

His clock ticked past seven. The sun set and his turnip sat unlit and smelling still, until past eight when someone knocked at his door.

“What?” he shouted.

Yukimura peered in through the doorway. Sanada felt his scowl soften and he bowed his head a little.

“Can I come in?” Yukimura asked. “Your mom said you might like the company.”

Sanada grunted. He’d always like Yukimura’s company.

Only…Yukimura didn’t walk inside and shut the door so much as shuffle and stomp and clomp his way and then swing around and whack the door shut with his tail. Sanada stared at him. “What…what are you?” he asked.

So much for Yukimura being immune to this stupid holiday. Here he was dressed up in a green outfit with a yellow breastplate and a tail behind himself. The mittens looked too big on Yukimura’s hands and Sanada wanted to just…take the ridiculous outfit off Yukimura.

Not in a pervy way! Of course not! Sanada wasn’t wondering at all if Yukimura was wearing anything under the cosplay and if his pale, warm chest was rubbing against that breastplate, or if his dick was or his bum or…

“Earth to Sanada!” Yukimura said, snapping his fingers in front of Sanada’s eyes. “I’m a dragon.”

“Eh?” Sanada mumbled. He felt immediately stupid when Yukimura frowned. His face started to burn and he looked down, but all he saw was Yukimura’s costume and his dragon scale belly and he thought about Yukimura being naked under the outfit again and it only made Sanada squirm even more.

This Halloween project was doomed.

“I’m here to explain Halloween,” Yukimura announced. He threw a bag at Sanada, but not before he pulled a chocolate bar out. Yukimura flopped down on Sanada’s bed and unwrapped the chocolate. Sanada tensed.

He could hear his grandfather’s voice yelling at him: No food in your bedroom!

But, for Yukimura, Sanada refrained from saying anything except “Aa.”

“I learned from this half-American kid in the hospital,” Yukimura said, “that there’s something called trick or treat.”

“Okay,” Sanada said. He pretended to make a note of it. Really, he was more concerning with shifting in his seat so his dick didn’t get any harder from the image of Yukimura licking his fingers and nibbling on the chocolate bar.

“On Halloween, you get a treat, or you play a trick on someone.”

“It sounds like…something Niou would enjoy,” Sanada grumbled.

“Would you like a piece of chocolate?” Yukimura asked out of the blue. He held up the chocolate and as Sanada felt his mouth water, just a bit, Yukimura smiled softly. “I want to share with you, Sanada,” he whispered.

A thick lump of something was starting to form in Sanada’s throat. He swallowed, but it didn’t go away. Yes, Yukimura. Of course, Yukimura. Eating that chocolate that was melting on Yukimura’s fingertips, that was being nibbled and licked by Yukimura’s mouth would be like an indirect kiss and…

Sanada nodded and tried to speak. “I…”

Yukimura shoved the entire remains of the chocolate bar into his mouth.

Sanada’s heart sank. And his dick, too.

Yukimura moaned and mumbled something. Sanada didn’t understand, not when Yukimura was talking with a mouth full of chocolate rather too much like Marui to be very comforting at all. Yukimura held up a finger and then chewed some more.

“You lazy ass,” he said. “That was a trick! I thought you liked chocolate!”

Sanada he toed the box of pocky under his desk. “Chocolate is for children,” he muttered. “Sanada Genichirou does not need-”

“I said I want to share my chocolate with you,” Yukimura said. “You know, trick or treat and all that?” He sounded like his mouth was full of marbles. Chocolate marbles, judging from the brown smeared on his bottom lip. He lay back and moaned softly, the sort of noise that he would make when he just made a hard shot in tennis. A low moan, starting in the back of his throat that sent pleasant tingles down Sanada’s spine.

He shifted again. Yukimura sighed and parted his mouth. “Don’t you want any?” he asked. He stuck his tongue out, and there was a half-melted piece of chocolate on the middle of it.

After Sanada recovered from being struck dumb and blind momentarily, he- very gingerly, just in case it was a joke and it wasn’t Yukimura in a dragon on his bed with a mouth full of chocolate and dark eyes begging Sanada to come and slay him- knelt down and leaned down and very very hesitantly pressed his mouth to Yukimura’s.

Hands grabbed at his collar and pulled him closer. Sanada could taste the sweetness of the chocolate, but mostly, he could taste Yukimura’s sweetness rolling over his tongue and begging to be eaten more.

Yukimura wasn’t wearing anything under the dragon costume. Nothing except a pair of sweat socks on his feet.

Sanada ended up having a happy Halloween after all.

crack, drabble, sanayuki, tenipuri

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