Title: Turning the Devious Into the Direct
Author: Ociwen
Rating: R
Wordcount: 9500
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all.
Summary: The devious is turned into the direct as Sanada discovers that what he wants might not be the same as what he's found.
Author's Notes: Written for Sanada's birthday (2007). Special thanks to Pix for helping me out.
The shot needs to be perfect for Yukimura... )
Comments 13
But you did... and... wow. *sniffles*
You just made me love Niou all kinds of more... and that's saying something considering how much I loved him already. ^_^
Very sweet. A lovely present for the Sanapuff. &hearts
Thank you! :)
Thank you so much!
Sanada and Niou. I like it!!! And I think I want to read more fics with this pairing now, or perhaps it's just that I adore the way you write them. ^______^
That said, thank you so much! I adore this pairing and lament the fact there is almost no fic. But maybe that's a good thing as it could be really, really cracky or bad.
Would it be naughty to request to read the fic Pix mentioned in her recent post? I saw your replies there and so will understand if you say no. *snuggles* You write good hot needy believable Rikkai fic. Exactly the way the characters are meant to be.
The way you write them is just so real~
With this you have even deepened my love for them. *_*
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