Drabble-age (831 words, Shitenhoji)

May 07, 2007 16:29

Title: [Untitled Shitenhoji Drabble]
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 831
Rating: Gish
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all.
Summary: In which Osamu is really, really lazy...
Author's Notes: whisper132 wanted Osamu/Gin, but this is the closest I can manage.

It wasn’t so much that Kenya was suspicious as that he knew something was going on.

There was no reason for Gin to be following Osamu home after practice.

Or Shiraishi, either, for that matter.

And there was no reason for Osamu to have a smirk on his face, like he was up to something. Kenya rubbed his chin. It was too weird to be true.

That’s why he knew something was going on.

“Senpai, why are you hiding behind the clubhouse?”

Kenya rolled his eyes. “Shut up, idiot,” he told Zaizen. “I wasn’t hiding,” he lied. He shifted his eyes right, then left, before he walked around the corner. Osamu hadn’t noticed.

But Koharu had.

He pranced up to Kenya. “Kenya-kuuuuun,” he said. “Are you hiding from meeeee?”

“No,” Kenya said. He huffed at both Zaizen and Koharu. “Jeez. I’m not hiding.”

It was just Kenya’s luck that Yuuji had good timing, enough to grab Koharu by the collar and drag him off, accusations of infidelity as rife as ever. Zaizen didn’t look convinced by Kenya’s answer.

“I’m not hiding,” Kenya insisted. Somehow, he wasn’t entirely convincing himself when he ducked behind a big maple tree on the school campus.

Zaizen nodded slowly. “Sure, senpai. If you say so.”

Kenya did.


Kenya knocked on the door. He could smell the smoke from Osamu’s apartment even in the hallway.

The door opened.

“I forgot my racket,” Kenya started, his excuse well-rehearsed, “and I need the clubhouse key- oi! What are you doing here?”

Shiraishi shrugged. “Helping the coach out?”

Kenya glanced up and down Shiraishi’s front. “In an apron?”

Shiraishi shrugged again.

“That’s how you got to be captain, isn’t it?” Kenya asked. He poked Shiraishi in the chest and forced his way inside. “Nepotism!”

From somewhere inside, Gin’s deep voice said, “That’s not what nepotism is.”

“Whatever!” Kenya said, throwing his hands up in the air. Then, he realized that it was Gin’s voice he heard. “OI!”

“Are you done yet, Gin-san?” Osamu called out.

Kenya stalked up to Osamu, who was sprawled across the couch, lazy as ever with his hat fallen over his eyes. “What’s going on?” he asked.

Osamu pushed the brim of his hat up with one hand. “Eh?”

Kenya glared at him. Then he glared at Shiraishi, who walked off to grab a broom leaning against a wall covered in dents and peeling wallpaper.

“What are they like your servants or something?” Kenya asked.

Osamu smirked. “Gin-san’s good at plumbing. My toilet’s clogged.”

“That’s what a plunger is for!” Kenya shouted. “What about him? Is that how he got to be captain? By cleaning your apartment?”

Shiraishi swept around Kenya’s feet, then when he started behind Kenya, Kenya felt the sharp sting of the broom whacking the back of his knees. “Ow!” he said.

Shiraishi smirked, just like Osamu.

Osamu started to cough, that wet nasty hacking he’d have during practices. Kenya watched him fish around in his pocket for his smokes, then Osamu said, “Giiiin-san! Come and light my cigarette for me!”

Gin had a lighter in hand and a flashlight strapped around his bald head when he emerged from the bathroom. Kenya curled his lip up, disgusted.

“Isn’t that awfully lazy?” he asked, when Gin leaned forward to light the smoke dangling from Osamu’s mouth. Osamu exhaled with a contented sigh. Gin walked back to the bathroom and Kenya thought his shorts looked a bit too high to be comfortable, riding up Gin’s ass the way they did. Maybe Gin ran out of clothes and raided his brother’s room. Kenya had to steal a shirt once off his older sister.

No one ever found out about that. Not even Yuushi.

“Well….” Kenya sputtered, trying to find the right words. Shiraishi kept on sweeping and dust plumes puffed out of the bathroom, along with the clanging of metal on porcelain. “Well…can’t I do something?” Kenya asked.

Maybe he could get into Osamu’s good books. Get a good reference for the high school tennis club. Play singles for once. Or maybe even become the captain…

Kenya could feel his mind wandering off into a happy place. The happy place that deflated the moment Osamu said, “Naw, sorry Kenya. Nothing left for you to help with here.” Then, Osamu leaned back, taking a long drag of his cigarette. Kenya coughed. The smoke made his eyes sting and his nose run.

“Gin-san!” Osamu shouted. “Can you take a look at the tiles, too? They need regrouting soon.”

“I give up,” Kenya grumbled. “You’re all messed up.” He made sure to slam his door on the way out.

In the hallway of Osamu’s building, Kenya noticed someone lurking around a corner. And he noticed the flash of metal, too, right around the level of someone’s ears…

“Oi!” he yelled out. “Wanna carry my books home for me, idiot?”

Zaizen shrugged. “Okay, senpai.”

If Kenya couldn’t be a sycophant, he might as well have one of his own.

shitenhoji, crack, drabble, tenipuri

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