About You…
Previously Stamped As...: Shilo Wallace
Name: Jenn/Jenny/Jennifer
Nicknames or Aliases:s/exo
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Career Preferences...
Do you think that you were born for any specific career? Yes, something in the animation field~
Are you supporting yourself right now? Nope, I live off my parents, but I am looking for a job.
How physical is your ideal job? About as physical as drawing over 100 drawings can get.
Are you prepared to take on a job that might create a moral crisis? Nope, not really.
Are you willing to do a job that people do not respect, but pays well? As long as it isn't hazardous or anything, sure.
Outside Influences...
Are you in shape? Nope, I should probably work on that...
Are you a people person? Not really, I'm too shy.
Would you rather have a fulfilling and awesome career or maybe just lie around the house all day? As much fun as lying around the house all day is, it gets really boring quick. I'd stick with the awesome career.
What career did you want to take on as a child?Animator. It didn't really change much, same field just different job.
Out of all of the stamps, which career do you feel drawn to the most? Band leader I guess. I'd get to wear blue lipstick and jump around for a living.