About You…
Name: Brynna
Nicknames or Aliases: Brynn, B, Brae-Brae
Gender: Female
Same Gender Stamp? Don't really care.
Age: 18
Previous Stamp: Gentern, matched w/ Blind Mag, song: Chromaggia.
Repo! & Appearance Related
Whose style from the movie would you be most likely to emulate? We-ellll... I'm probably a cross between Mag, Shilo and one of the scalpel sluts (in that order).
Imagine yourself in the movie. What would you look like? (Nothing is too over the top in Repo!) First things first, a massive ton of absolutely beautiful, colorful but not too bright eye makeup. Lips either red or almost plum-purple. Bright blue nails. My hair dark like it is in real life, slightly curly, long, maybe a streak of pink or purple in it just 'cause. Dark tights, probably black. Black skirt either made of lace or tulle, slightly above the knee, trimmed with a hint of blue. Blue corset with black lace. Blue lace fingerless gloves. Blue heels.
How do you dress and groom yourself on an ordinary day? Typically one of two ways: either jeans, brightly colored ballet flats, some cutesy print thermal and/or theatre/film/cartoon-related t-shirt, a hint of red lipstick, eyeshadow that somewhat coordinates and my hair either down/straight or in low pigtails, or black tights/leggings with either flats or boots, hair/makeup same as above, and either a solid-color dress, or a skirt (usually either bohemianish, retro-print or shortish and either black lace or denim), and either a thermal or a top that's more hippie and/or Victorian and/or corsety.
How about when you need to be more formal? More makeup (particularly eyes), always a skirt or dress (often vintage or at least vintage-looking), heels instead of flats, the things I have that are more Victorian or bohemian as opposed to more urban.
Pictures & Descriptions
I'm approximately 5'6"1/2, rather curvaceous, longish dark brown hair, hazel/green eyes, veeeery white and pale.
<--- threw that one in just cause I couldn't resist, despite it being heavily Photoshopped