Chase the morning, yield for nothing...

Mar 27, 2009 01:45

About You…
Name: Aubrey
Nicknames or Aliases: AJ, rarely. Mostly just... Aubrey.
Gender: Female
Same Gender Stamp? Not necessary
Age: 20
Location: Tempe, Arizona
A Snippet From A Song That Suits You Well: But I know I'm a better dreamer / And a better loner and a better fighter, somewhere out there / That may be just so maybe someone will hear me / And know that I am more than just me... - A Prayer, Yunyu
Your Favorite Quote: "All fire burns, little baby. You'll learn." - Neverwhere, Neil Gaiman
Likes: Books (a lot of scifi and fantasy, but I'll read just about anything), good television (I'm kind of picky about the writing in my TV), musicals, big cities, storms (and being out in them), roadtrips, my pets, cuddling with my girlfriends, being close to the people I love
Dislikes: Being stuck inside or left behind due to stupid health issues, never having enough time to write, not getting time alone, the need to sleep (I'm so over sleep), dealing with most people other than my close friends, talking on the phone
Talents: Writing. many times am I going to use writing as an answer? Oh well. I'm not half bad with computer graphics either, if I can get myself to care enough to spend time on it. ^^
Hobbies: Reading, writing and roleplaying, mostly.
What Do Your Friends Like About You? Probably my sense of humor. When all else fails, I can usually at least make them laugh.
What Do You Like About Yourself The Most? ...this was a harder question to answer than I expected. Huh. My creativity, when my brain is working. My ability to adapt to new situations without too much trouble.
It’s Late At Night and You Have No Work to Do. How Do You Busy Yourself? Mostly, I write. Or try to write, with varying degrees of success.

A Little Deeper…
What do you believe is your ideal career? As I'm sure you've figured out from all the above, most of all I'd like to be an author. I've considered other things - really wanted to be a doctor for a while, but not only is the idea of medical school intimidating as hell, I could never afford it. If it weren't for the constant health issues, I might consider being a police officer too, but... that's not happening.
What were you like as a child? Quiet. I was the one in the corner with a book all the time.
Are you satisfied with your life? More or less. I want to be living somewhere else. I want to feel like I'm going somewhere. But it's so much better than it has been for a while, so I'm not complaining.
Someone kills someone who was important to you. How do you react? I really can't say for sure, because I've never really lost anyone I loved, much less like that. But given that in the past, my hackles always start going up when I feel like one of my friends is being threatened, and I tend to go for the throat when someone actually hurts them... there would probably be violence.

Your Favorites…
Favorite Book(s)? Tamora Pierce's Tortall series (especially "Protector of the Small"), The Dresden Files, Wicked, Neverwhere
Favorite Movie(s)? Serenity, Repo!, 10 Things I Hate About You
Favorite Artist(s)?, I'm totally blanking on anything. Mostly I like things individually, and it happens way too often that I'll love one thing by an artist and be kind of meh on some of their other work...
Favorite Music? My musical taste is wide and varied, but lately I've been really loving Jeffrey Foucault, Neko Case, Dar Williams, Ingrid Michaelson...
Favorite Place(s)? New York City. It's the only place I ever really felt like I was at home. San Diego/Coronado is nice - I grew up there, and though it's not home, I still love it. And it may seem random, but I love driving through the Midwest. There's absolutely nothing to do there, but there's something about driving through it for hours that's just wonderful.
What is Your Favorite Childhood Memory? Camping in the desert with my family. Or camping on the beach with a ton of other Navy SEAL kids - we played war games. ^^

About Repo!…
What song do you find yourself singing when no one else is around? Mostly "Seventeen". So much fun to sing, but somewhat embarrassing when people are around.
Which character can you imagine yourself hanging out with? Probably Shilo - I'd probably end up adopting her as a sisterthing, like I do with most of my younger friends. Possibly a younger Nathan... before the crazy.
Who should be running GeneCo? I actually think Amber's not a bad choice, all things considered... though I would have loved to see what Shilo would have done with it.
What are your feelings on ascots? I am... more or less neutral toward ascots? Never worn one and probably won't ever, but if you can pull one off...
If you could undergo any surgery without having to pay, what would you have done? If I could avoid it, I totally would. The idea of having surgery myself kind of freaks me out - oddly, less because of the knives and cutting than because of the anaesthesia. I don't know why.
Who from Repo! do you dislike the most? AUGH. Pavi. So much do not want.
You are able to go to dinner with one of the characters. Who is it? Honestly, I'd probably pick Shilo, just because I'd feel the least awkward around her. Though Graverobber would be interesting to talk to.
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