Heyyy. I just joined recently due to some suspicious dealings with a certain seller. It's too late now to get my money back I believe but I want to know if anybody has had any dealings with
fakecyborggod, email address is cocaineeyeliner@hotmail.com.
Heres what happened, I bought a the pair of cyber arm warmers for $20 from her and I sent her a check forgetting her strict cash/money order only issue. She emails me back saying she recieved the check but won't accept it. So I say fine, and mail her out the cash and request that she mail the check with the armwarmers when she gets the cash. I sent her the money almost exactly two weeks ago and she lives in Nebraska and I, In NYC. So.. We all know regular mail does NOT take that long to get not even cross country in the US. I'm becoming suspicious to say the least, She doesn't answer lj comments and what I noticed is that there were comments WHEN I went to buy the arm warmers around early March that had offers for other things of hers and some say "I'll send payment later" or had various offers of payment etheir sent or soon to be sent and none of the things went off the page. Now etheir they all were deadbeats or she scammed them because recently.. She deleted all of those comments. Seems strange to me. I just sent her another email because she was supposed to send me an email when she got the money and I'm kinda pissed and I just want to etheir get my money back or the arm warmers.
Soo.. Any advice or info on her?
Thanks alot. :x