[o17] backdated to saturday, sept. 5th.

Sep 10, 2009 15:47


This... is presumably more common than it has any right to be, much like any other City circumstance?

I didn't think it possible to have such an appetite.

Miss Robin--

filtered [robin];

I would really prefer to keep following my work instructions despite.. circumstances. Would that be challenging complications? Working near Innocence.

[ ooc | incredibly, sadly late because Saturday turned into a surprise communication mess and the days after have been all sorts of too busy and draining. If anyone is still interested, here is Link's counterpart to the involuntary bodyswitch with Robin. ]

this exceeds any lack of decency so far, my principles!, not only internal girly parts this time?, at least that general will not tease, man down man down, i want my malcolm, i want my coat back, diabetes murder meals, hey! it's the pregnant guy!, absolutely professional., there's something inside link . . .again, my work dignity!, i can't work like this

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