Talk about something cheerful.

Aug 05, 2010 23:37

[ooc: Finally, my first step into the verse known as The Cougar. Yaaay it's been a long time coming! And awesomely, this is, if you ignore the "catchup" sort of things I did a long time ago, Chloe's 100th theatrical_muse prompt.]

When he'd first asked her, she hadn't known what to think. It seemed so sudden, and she was so unsure. Too many questions lingered in her mind. Could she really leave Metropolis? Could she really leave Clark behind? Was he doing this, just because she was a friend, or did he believe in her? Did he honestly believe in and respect her work?

It took over a month for her to finally make the decision, and it took some nudging for her to agree. Lois had told her numerous times she was worthy, and that she should go for it. Even Clark, who was naturally a little sad at the idea of his best friend leaving town, had agreed she should do what made her happy. It also took a bit of reassurance from Oliver, who further encouraged her by telling her he'd set her up with one hell of an amazing apartment.

She ultimately gave in, and six weeks after she'd been fired from the Planet, Chloe was set up in her brand-new, finely-furnished penthouse apartment.

And as she sat there now, staring out the window, she had a huge smile on her face, and an overwhelming sense of happiness.

Tomorrow was her first day at the Star City Sentinel, and her moment to start over, and start fresh. Who knows? Maybe she'd finally, finally get that Pulitzer.

And that thought made her smile grow even more.

Tomorrow was not just her first day on the job. It was the first day of the rest of her life.

community: theatrical muse, verse: the cougar

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