What do you wish someone would invent?

Mar 12, 2010 00:41

A time machine.

I wish I had a time machine.

Those stupid Legion rings? They don't exactly count. All they seem to do is make things worse.

What I wish I had?

A grade-A, bonafide, straight-out-of-science-fiction time machine.

Things have gotten so messed up.

My life has gotten so messed up.

I just wish I could change it.

I wish I could change it all.

I could get back everything I've been missing for so long.

Jimmy... Although maybe he would have been better off if we'd just stayed friends.

My job at the Planet... before Lex and the reign of Luthor took over.

And most importantly, my best friend.

I feel so lost, so alone without him.

My world... it just doesn't make sense anymore.

I can't trust him. I can't talk to him. I can barely be around him, because it hurts.

And I know, deep down in my heart, that nothing will ever be the same.

[ooc: Not sure where this came from. It has many tags, because I can't decide what it is. Kind of canon, kind of au, kind of random, kind of meta. So I dunno. It's either locked from Clark, or it's meta. You decide. *clicks tongue*]

verse: canon, meta, community: theatrical muse, verse: random

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