OOC: Re: Hiatus

May 22, 2009 14:41

So um... I'm off hiatus. Sort of. For the most part I guess.

I'll be honest. I got very upset about something, which I feel like I had a right to do, and I jumped. I retaliated by making all of my Chloes unavailable. And then, last week, as I was considering on bringing back at least one of them, Smallville goes and ruins things COMPLETELY. All of my Chloes stopped speaking to me altogether. All my Clarks did, too. Only one of them is speaking to me now a little, but not much.

So what does this mean for my Chloes? What am I doing here? Well, basically, I'm bringing back just about all of my Chloes, in exception with Canon!Chloe, because I'm just not sure what to do there. She's not speaking to me at all, and last week's episode just flew in the face of where I thought she was, and where she was going. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure she's still in mourning, what with everything she lost last week. I, personally, am still mourning over the character that died (so much so, in fact, that my muse for that particular character has taken over my brain).

Also, a few changes will be taking place in this journal in the next few days. For one, I will be redoing her profile completely. I've had the same basic setup for her profile since I began playing her over three years ago. The profile will change, and most likely will end up with a lot less pink, for starters. I will also be cleaning out her friendspage. Most likely, if a muse has not been active in the last year, I will be removing them. Also, I will be defriending any real life people journals. No offense, cause I know there's people watching, but this is a muse journal, and the more I think about it, the more I realize their entries shouldn't be showing up on her fp cause it's distracting. For real life peoples who have Chloe friended, please feel free to keep her friended if you want to watch. I won't be offended, I just won't have you friended back. I will also probably be changing my Chloe listing to an actual verse list, as I did with one of my other journals. I don't really like the idea of doing it, and it means I have to think up actual verse names for a few of them, but it's all good.

And speaking of verses, the biggest change is probably going to be with them. I need to make a clarification on one, while a few others are currently in question. There may end up being a few that will be listed at the bottom of my list of verses as "inactive" or "retired"- ie, Chloes that I will no longer be playing/writing, but I will be leaving their stuff in the journal.

Pregnant!Chloe: This Chloe is very rarely played, and this is mostly because her Clark (superfarmboy) isn't around much anymore. It's not something I blame the mun for, however, because she's in and out of the hospital a lot. *squishes mun* You know ilu, bb. This Chloe has interacted with Lana (horsewoman_lana), however, and even inspired Lana mun with something to add to the verse: Lana's own pregnancy and child, fathered by Bizarro. I want to continue to do something with this Chloe, in some way, shape, or form, but she's kinda been frozen in time for a while. In rp time, she's only been pregnant for about eight months or so, but in real time, it's been over a year and a half since she got pregnant. Terrible, I know. lol It's time for her to get some resolution/absolution/however you wanna put it, here. So, I have decided, that sometime in the next month, I am going to allow her to give birth to her baby. Clark mun may or may not be around when I decide to do it, but it's okay. I know she won't mind a little puppeting. But yeah, that's gonna happen, and once that does, you may see some stuff pop up featuring her daughter and stuffs, particularly stuff in the future, when she's around fivish, like Lana mun has done with Lana and Bizarro's child, Eli. So there's that.

Therapy!Chloe: I'm honestly not sure what to do with Therapy!Chloe. I want to stay in couples_therapy, but the majority of the prompts I've answered for the comm lately have not been a part of her verse. My original plan for her was that her marriage to Jimmy would end, she'd angst and be angry for a little longer, and then she and Clark would eventually get over their issues and get together. But I can't figure out how I want the Chimmy relationship to end. I don't want it to be over Davis, because 99% of my Chloes want nothing to do with Davis, so he wouldn't be the one to cause the problems. My first idea involved the fact that perhaps Lois didn't file the papers for the marriage right, and therefore the marriage was not legal and it led to an argument that ended the Chimmy outright, since not legal + Chloe not really remembering it all that well = bad. This is something that must be mulled over with Clark mun, who is, again, superfarmboy. If worst comes to worst, this Chloe will be added to the inactive/retired section of the list.

Time Lost!Chloe: This Chloe's adventure with the npc!Doctor is about to end, and then the real drama will begin. She's going to have one last trip with him before she heads back home, but I've yet to decide what will happen during that trip. Any suggestions?

Bad Girl!Chloe: This isn't the Chloe that's banging Dean anymore, and is, instead, my naughty little minx/sexually curious Chloe. I'd like to do something with her, but have yet to decide what it will be. Suggestions, possible interested muns/muses?

Winsullivan!Chloe: I'm not sure what's going on with Winsullivan!Chloe. I guess I need to speak to Lana, Dean, and Sam muns about this one. If it's too complicated, though, and too much for a simpleton who hasn't watched the entire show yet, let me know, and I'll just drop it and move her to inactive.

Cougar!Chloe: This will be the big clarification from the list. I will only say this once. Cougar!Chloe is no longer associated with the All Jacked Up verse. In fact, I'm removing myself and any and all of my Chloes from that verse completely. That's just how it's gonna be, alright? If you try to talk me out of it, I might tell you to buzz off. Cougar!Chloe's verse is somewhat based off the All Jacked Up verse, but is in no way associated with it. In her verse, the Cougar did move off to Star City, fall for and marry Oliver, and has a child with Oliver. The two split up after she realizes she's fallen out of love with him, and after she catches him in bed with Dinah. Following that, she develops a fondness for slightly younger men, and eventually ends up sleeping with Bart before packing up her son and taking off for Metropolis. She meets Lana and Dean's twenty-year-old son, and sparks fly, which Lana doesn't exactly like. In this verse, Lana will of course be horsewoman_lana, and Dean and Sam will be entirely npc, and will have no relation to the Dean and Sam involved in the All Jacked Up verse. There are no details regarding them or how Joey came to be, Joey is just Dean's son, Sam is just Joey's uncle, and probably Sam will at least be living with Lana. Oliver, Dinah, and Bart are also npc, unless someone in particular decides they want to step in with them. The Cougar will mainly only exist in prompts, which is why so many npcs are popping up. She is also available for very LIMITED rp, as is the case with Time Lost!Chloe, who only interacts with her Clark. The Cougar will probably only be interacting with Joey, once Lana mun makes his journal. *POOOOKES* Unless, for some reason, you find you want to play with her. If so, just ask. And, for the last time and the love of Pete Ross... THIS IS A CRACKVERSE. IT IS CRACK. IF SOME OF IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE/IS WEIRD, THAT'S WHY. And that is that.

Secretly!Chloe: I was thinking of renaming this Chloe to Pokerfaced!Chloe, but now I'm just thinking of moving her to the inactive list, since it seems everyone associated with that storyline has now lost interest. Oh, well.

Red Passion!Chloe: She only existed in one thread, so I may just end up removing her altogether. Not sure yet.

Super!Chloe: She's not been around much. I plan to change that. Especially since I have my girl!Bart and girl!Jimmy floating around here now.

Future!Chloe: No one wants anything to do with Future!Chloe, it seems, just because of a certain belief I have regarding the show/Chloe in general. I may end up removing her altogether.

I think that's about it, in regards to verses.

All that said, if you've decided you want to drop a verse that we're in together, let me know here. Or, if you want to stay with it, let me know, as well. Or, if you want to come up with a verse, let me know. Just... let me know something here. lol

And I think that about covers it all. *goes off to edit Chloe listing*

verses, ooc, hiatus

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