Current Verses

Jan 23, 2011 00:45

The following is a list of Chloe's current verses. In most, if not all, of these verses, her Lana is feltalone.

General Verses

Canon: Chloe, as she appears on SV, with, of course, my own personal spin. My Chloe is actually still in love with Clark, and believes that she always will be, but she did, in fact, love Jimmy as well. I believe it's possible for someone to love two people at the same time, hence why my Chloe does that very thing. Her relationship is Oliver is strictly friends-with-benefits, and she's very emphatic about it, much to his dismay. She actually still has the desire to be a reporter, but is unable at the moment, due to several factors, and settles for playing Watchtower. Some small things might change week-to-week, as the show continues and new episodes air, but in this verse, Chloe has two things at her core that will never change: she's a journalist at heart, and will always love Clark Kent, no matter who he ends up with. This verse is currently paused in the latter half of season 9.

AU: This applies to any canon AUs. There have so far been 4 alternate universes presented within the Smallville universe, based on the following episodes: Lexmas, Labyrinth, Noir, and Apocalypse. Some might consider the alternate future of Pandora an AU, but I don't, so it will not be included here.

Companion: This pertains to any version of Chloe (most likely AU) who is a companion to/in the running to be a companion to The Doctor. My love for the idea of Chloe partnering up with The Doctor at any point in time and space is quite intense, so much so that I started an entire fanfiction series around it. This will apply to any Chloe I thread/interact with any Doctor, no matter what the universe or situation.

Winsullivan: As the name implies, this verse pertains to any Chloe interacting with one or both of the Winchester brothers. This will apply to any Chloe I thread/interact with any Winchester, no matter what the universe or situation.

To The Future: This verse is based in the future, where Clark is Superman. I've never actually played in this type of verse before, but it has been the focus of countless fanfictions, and a few prompts responses. More often than not, this verse will show a Chloe that is sitting in the position of the iconic Lois Lane, since I am a supporter of the Chlois theory. In most situations, she'll probably be going by her own name, but will be engaged to/married to/living with Clark, and will be his partner at the Daily Planet. In some situations, however, she might take on the pen name of Lois Lane, or will publicly have the identity of Lois Lane, sort of paralleling her with Clark on the secret identity thing. This has no equivalence to her "stealing" her cousin's identity. She won't try to become her cousin, she won't try to look like her, etc. If you don't accept my views on this, please do not ask me for this verse in a rp setting. I'm not asking you to agree with me, just understand how I feel. This verse would be exclusive to psls, public threads, and possibly random prompts.

Random: This applies to any and all versions of Chloe that does not fall under any of the previous categories. This is for general rp, I suppose, and for rp with characters from other fandoms. The Chloe present here is generally single, with some possible leftover feelings for Clark, but willing to open up her options a bit. She's usually set late in season 7, not long after being fired from the Daily Planet.

Specific Verses

Time Lost: Chloe's main verse, a crossover with Doctor Who. It goes AU during season 8. After her marriage is annulled, Chloe finds herself torn between Clark (planetbound) and The Tenth Doctor. Against Clark's wishes, she leaves with The Doctor, and promises to be back in 80 days. Somehow, she returns 80 YEARS later. Clark's not happy, and Chloe's in shock to discover that everyone she loves is gone, with the exception of Clark, who has been waiting for her all that time.

Cherry Chapstick: This completely AU verse begins with THIS prompt response. In this verse, Lana Lang is actually a redhead (barista_red), and moved out of Smallville sometime before Chloe ever showed up. Chloe and Clark actually grew very close over just a few years time, and by the time they both started their freshman year in college, they began dating. The two are now in a serious relationship, but something --er, someone-- new has been thrown into the mix. An intoxicated Chloe kissed a beautiful redhead at Lana's 21st birthday, only to make the shocking discovery moments later that the woman she kissed was, in fact, Lana herself. Chloe now finds herself actively lusting after the other woman, a fact that no one, not even her boyfriend, is aware of.

My Immortal: This verse is based entirely on this response from the reproduction meme that was going a couple years ago. It goes AU during the season 8 episode Beast, with Chloe and Clark sharing a rather passionate and intimate goodbye. Clark dies days later at the hands of Davis Bloome's murderous alter ego, Doomsday. Chloe is stunned to discover a few months later that Clark left something behind: a child (sonofsteel). Lana (feltalone) returns shortly thereafter, and ultimately, she and Chloe decide to raise the little boy together.

The Kara 'Verse: In this VERY AU verse, Chloe is not Chloe Sullivan. Instead, she is Chloe Kent, and SHE is the one who is an alien, and was raised by the Kents. The world she comes from is filled with role reversals and genderbends, and includes a Clark who is a reporter and a Sullivan. Other roles include Lex Lang (Chloe's ex-boyfriend), Lana Luthor (Chloe's former best friend and future enemy), Laurie Lane (a genderbent Lois who is Clark's cousin), and Jenny Olsen (a genderbent Jimmy). The majority of the fledgling Justice League in this AU are genderbent, with the exception of Oliver Queen. A written canon for this verse pauses at season 6, and for now, it's all prompt-only. I may or may not end up spinning this Chloe off into her own journal at some point.

For a list of inactive and retired verses, CLICK HERE.


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