What is around you?

Jan 20, 2011 22:35

The 30th century.

That's the last place she asked him to take her.

She'd never gotten a chance to properly thank the members of the Legion for helping Clark save her life, and that was something she wanted to do, more than anything. Besides, she wanted to see first hand what sort of impact her best friend was going to have on the world. Perhaps she shouldn't have, but that inquisitive nature of hers had won out, just like always.

Chloe wasn't quite sure what to expect when the doors of the TARDIS opened, but it really wasn't what she saw. Futuristic buildings to one side, and a mess of tall, seemingly never-ending trees to the other.

Her gut told her they should head in the direction of the trees, and the Doctor, trusting her instincts, as always, followed her.

Their journey took them to the middle of the little forest, and Chloe's eyes widened with wonder at what stood before them.

A large yellow spaceship, its nose buried in the ground. There was a large "L" carved into the small tree closest to the spaceship, and Chloe knew in her heart they were at the right place.

"A spaceship? In the middle of the forest? That's a bit, ah, odd, isn't it?" The Doctor asked.

She looked back at him, brow raised. "And your spaceship is just outside the forest. Your point?"

He gave her a sheepish smile. "Yeah... quite right, I suppose." He took a step closer, eying the ship. "So how are we going to get into this little banana boat again?"

She giggled at his choice of words, and shrugged. "Not sure yet... You see a doorbell anywhere, maybe?"

Just as those words left her mouth, a panel on the front of the ship opened, startling both Chloe and the Doctor, and out stepped the three beings she'd been searching for. And they all looked equally surprised.

"Chloe?" Imra asked, brows furrowed. "What are you doing here?"

"Well... you guys have time to... maybe sit down and talk?" Chloe wondered, offering a small smile.

They did, and invited Chloe and the Doctor inside their headquarters. She introduced the Doctor to them, and vice versa, and the three young heroes showed their visitors around. Chloe was astonished by all the things they had there that pertained to Clark, and his impact on their future. Her heart melted when they showed her images of him as the hero he was destined to become- a hero they fondly called Superman. It made her proud, so proud she cried. It made her realize that she couldn't wait to see him wearing that costume in person, and see him save the day.

Chloe got her chance when they sat down for a chat, and she thanked them for helping her, and told them of how she'd met the Doctor, and of their trips together.

And just as they'd said their goodbyes, and had started to leave, Garth stopped them, catching Chloe's arm.

The worry had been obvious in his eyes since the moment since their introductions, and she'd wondered what was going on, but hadn't asked.

"Chloe... you.... I found out what happened to you. Why you weren't in the history books." he said, his voice low.

She tilted her head. "Really? What... what happened?" Maybe she shouldn't ask... but maybe she should.

Garth's eyes shifted from her to the Doctor, and then back again. "You--"

"No!" Rokk cried, taking a step forward. "We can't tell her the future. We can't interfere with what's to come, Garth. She'll just have to face it on her own."

"Well, wait a damn minute!" Chloe spoke up for herself. "Why is it that I can know about Clark's future, but not my own?"

Rokk looked to her. "Kal-El knows his destiny... except for a few minor details. Everything's been laid out for him." He sighed. "Go, Chloe. You need to meet your destiny, whatever it may be."

"O-okay." She chewed at her bottom lip for a moment, then swallowed hard. "Bye, guys."

After the two visitors were gone, Imra stood from her spot.

"What was that all about, guys?" She approached Garth. "What were you talking about?"

He turned toward her. "I found something... not long ago. A forgotten passage in an old book. Something we missed." He looked back at Rokk. "Why... why didn't you let me warn her, Rokk?"

Imra's confusion was evident. "Warn her of what?"

Rokk looked back at her this time. "Chloe Sullivan isn't in the history books... because, not long after she was saved, she left with a man called 'The Doctor', and was never seen or heard from again."

verse: time lost, community: theatrical muse

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