Keep The Car Running - Epilogue

Jun 14, 2010 00:10

Part 10

“I can’t thank you guys enough,” said Nate as he held his good hand around Victoria as they stood on the front porch the next morning. Greta had insisted that Victoria stay at their place for the night so she could clean up and get some proper rest. She swore that she had never seen anyone so happy to see an actual bathroom.

“We can’t thank you guys enough,” Victoria said happily. “You guys saved countless lives last night, not just mine.”

“We were just doing our jobs,” said Gabe, smiling back at her. “Besides, you should really thank Nate. He was the one who brought it to our attention in the first place. We wouldn’t be here without him.”

Victoria grinned and leaned over to kiss Nate on the cheek. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

Nate blushed as he reached into his back pocket to hand an envelope to Butch. “Here... I wish I could pay you guys more, but...”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Butch, stuffing the envelope into his own back pocket.

“Just take care of her,” Greta said, pointing a thumb at Victoria. “Okay?”

The both of them nodded as Victoria took Nate’s hand and helped him down the stairs. As they walked off, Greta looked up at Gabe and Butch. “So, do we know what’s going to happen to Pete and Patrick?”

Butch shrugged a little. “Called a friend at the police department this morning. He said that they managed to get every little detail out of Patrick in exchange for a reduced sentence. They’ll probably go after anyone else he did business for more information, but it shouldn’t be too hard to convict Pete with all the evidence against him as of right now though.”

“Well, I never doubted that,” Greta said quietly.

“Plus, the drop we’ll make tonight should help,” Gabe said, “And Greta, if you actually took any of that money, please don’t tell me.”

Before Greta could respond to Gabe, her eyes became drawn to the street. The black Crown Victoria pulled up in front of the house and Suarez and Blackinton stepped out. Gabe let out a fake exasperated sigh. “So you’re back on my case, huh?”

“Nope,” said Blackinton with a grin. “As of an hour ago, we are officially done with you and onto greener pastures.”

“Is that so,” Gabe said as he slowly stepped down from the porch. “Well, I’m glad that I could help with that. Are you here to say goodbye and tell me how much you’ll miss me and my friends before you ship off?”

“You wish,” said Suarez as he reached into the car and took something off the dashboard. “But we were asked to deliver something you might be interested in.”

He walked over and passed a thick folder to Gabe. “Good luck to you, kid. I don’t know who they’ll be sending to look after you next, but you’re probably going to need it.”

Suarez turned and walked back to the car. Blackinton got in, started it up and the two were gone quicker than they had arrived. Gabe looked down at the folder, noticing the Post It note on the top. It read “Gabe, don’t say I don’t do anything for you. - B”

“What is it,” Greta asked, going down the steps of the porch, trying to get a look at what was in Gabe’s hands.

Gabe opened up the folder and felt his heart jump at the first page. “It’s my burn notice file.”

“That’s good, right,” Butch asked, following Greta down the steps. “Right?”

Gabe sat down on the steps of the porch, flipping through the pages of the file, which contained various documents and pictures. Something told Gabe it wasn’t going to be an easy read. “I don’t know if it’s good or bad yet...”

When you’re a spy, there are certain things you’re given that feel like a ticking time bomb in your hands. It could be about a stranger, a friend, or yourself, but you know as soon as you’re given it, it’s going to blow up. You just don’t know when or where it will be, who you’ll be with or how it’s going to be used. It could be helpful, but sometimes, it can be damaging. You just have to be careful with how you use it.

Gabe closed the file and stared at his name in the top corner. His whole career and why it was gone was in there, waiting to be read.

And ready to possibly blow up in his face.

“But it’s a start.”

Mix: Welcome to Atlanta by seimaisin
Art: Gabe and Greta by valmontheights

bandom, fic, bbb

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