Put The Bass In Your Walk - Part 6

Apr 05, 2010 14:40

Part 5

The next week was completely whirlwind. If she wasn’t in Butch’s apartment, debating over her song, her hair and every other detail Greta hadn’t thought of when it came to just singing on stage at the Cathouse, it was either out shopping for new accessories with the newly returned Gabe or bouncing between the Cathouse, Berlin and Parisian Nights for various reasons. Sometime it was to actually escape from Butch going into what Amanda called ‘Super Maya Mama Mode’. “It’s when he gets really wound up about something drag related and the lines between Butch and Maya get so blurred that they seem to be one person.”

“Just be glad you found us after Christmas,” Gabe said quietly as they sat in Berlin, going through the earrings they had bought. “You have many months before you have to watch that shopping meltdown.”

The Mama Mode didn’t just apply to Butch, but everyone at Parisian Nights the closer the date got.

“You sure you don’t need anything,” Stefani asked when Greta finally got the confirmation that she wasn’t performing that Saturday. In fact, Katie was actually closing the club for the night so they could all see Greta.

“I have most everything, thanks.”

“What about makeup,” Ashlee had asked, eager to help as well. “Do you need any new makeup?”

Greta tried to politely answer her, but Victoria beat her to the punch. “Guys, she said no! Stop trying to help. She’ll be alright!”

“Ummm...thanks Victoria.”

Before any of them could say anything else, she ducked out of the backstage and went back to Katie’s office and knocked. There was one other thing she needed to ask her for.

Katie looked up from her desk. “What’s up, Greta? Is there something else you need for Saturday night? You know we’ll be happy to help.”

“No no, it’s all covered, but thanks. I actually needed something entirely different.”

Katie raised an eyebrow. “What do you need?”

“I was actually wondering if you had Emanuelle’s number?”
It was Friday and most everything had been finalized. Greta agreed to wear a black wig for her first song if she could use her real hair for the other one. Amanda convinced her to do ‘Science Fiction (Double Feature)’, but her first debut song was going to be ‘Why Don’t You Do Right?’ Gabe and Amanda were unsure, but Butch seemed fine with it. “Well, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s not like she’s doing it every performance.”

Other than that, outfits and lighting were completely picked out. They had practiced in as many places as they could. It was now just a matter of waiting for Saturday night and getting it done.

So getting Butch to leave her be for a lunch date with Gabe seemed perfectly reasonable.

Except Gabe wasn’t here in the cafe yet. He wasn’t going to arrive for another 5 minutes or so. Greta however, was waiting patiently on someone else.

“Am I too late?”

Greta looked up from the book she had been reading to see a tall, slender man with somewhat long hair looking down at her. She smiled. “No, not at all. You’re here just in time. William, right?”

“Yes,” he said, gently shaking her hand before sitting down. “I hope it’s not weird to see me in street clothes considering...well, you know.”

Greta waved a hand. “No, it’s fine. In fact, it’s something somewhat related to the ‘you know’ I want to talk about.”

William paused, then sighed. “I’m guessing Gabe told you what happened, huh?”

“No, Butch and Amanda did,” she said, putting her book down. “I didn’t see Gabe for a week after the last time you two saw each other.”

William was silent for a few seconds. “I was trying not to hurt him...”

“Well, cutting someone off completely isn’t the best way of doing, but I’ve assumed you’ve noticed that by now.”

Another silence, but Greta didn’t let it stay. “Look, I’m not here to point fingers or blame you for anything. I just want you to actually talk to Gabe.”

“Greta? William?”

Both of them looked up to see Gabe getting closer to their table. Greta just smiled as she grabbed her purse and stood up. “Oh good, you’re here. I was just discussing with William why he should join the group at Parisian Nights, considering my days of employment there might be coming to an end depending on how tomorrow night goes.”

Gabe didn’t say anything. He just kept looking at William, who was looking at the table. Slowly, Greta moved from where she was stand and made Gabe sit in the chair. Gabe did it without much fight. “Now,” she said, looking between them. “I think it would be lovely if you two had a conversation about your relationship.”

The two turned to protest, but she quickly shushed them. “I’m not expecting you two to make up. Maybe not even an apology. I just want you to talk, okay?”

They looked at each other, a bit uncertain. “There’s nothing to really talk about,” Gabe said, looking directly at William.

“Yes there is. If Butch downing three glasses of whiskey while he’s telling me about it, there’s a lot to talk about. Now, I’m going to leave you two alone to have lunch and talk this out. I’m going to be across the street getting coffee with Amanda. We’ll be watching on occasion, so don’t try to escape without actually speaking to each other.”

Gabe sighed. “When did you become such a bitch?”

“I learned from the best,” she said, looking him in the eye before planting a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll pay you back for whatever you spend. Just do this for me, okay? I don’t want you disappearing for another week because you and your ex can’t speak to each other.”

Before any of them could say another word, she turned and left the cafe, crossing the street as quickly as she could to swing into the coffee shop and sitting down next to Amanda. “They didn’t try to make a quick escape while I was crossing, did they?”

“Nope,” she said, taking a drink of her tea and keeping her eyes on the window. “Does Butch even know your doing this?”

“Not at all,” she said, drumming her fingers against the table as she watched Gabe and William through the window. It actually looked like they were starting to talk now. “I figure it’ll be a surprise, whether it’s a good or bad turnout.”

“Let’s hope it’s good. No need to let Butch know one of his protégées died in a cat fight with his ex.”

“Do you really expect any less from the brain that spawned Nueva Herrsey?”

Amanda turned her head away from the window for a second to look at Greta. “Okay... point.”

For the next hour, Greta and Amanda watched as Gabe and William talked. It was hard to tell what was being said through two panes of glass and a small side street between them, but no one seemed to be yelling, fighting or stomping out to leave, so that was always a plus.

Finally, both of them stood up and hugged each other and William walked out and down the opposite side of the street. Gabe watched him leave, sat back down, then waved his phone at the window. Amanda seemed a bit confused at this. “What’s he doing?”

“I think he wants me to call him,” Greta said, pulling out her phone and speed dialing Gabe’s number. She put the phone to her ear and watched as Gabe did the same on the other side a few seconds later. “Well, how did it go?”

“I just want you to know that you are crazy.”

“Probably,” she said, looking back at Gabe’s stare through the glass. “Now how did it go?”

“It went well,” he said, his voice spiked with a tiny bit of hope. “I mean, it’s not like we’re getting back together, but we’re starting to talk again.”

Greta smiled. “That’s all I wanted.”

“Thanks, kid,” he said, a smile slowly growing across his face. “You did something good, even if it was sort of dangerous.”

“No problem,” she said. “You’d do the same for me, right?”

“Of course. What else is family for?”
Saturday came with relief, followed by stress. Who was stressed out the most, Greta wasn’t sure. Butch seemed to not exist for most of the day as Maya seemed to be dictating most of his actions, trying to make sure everything was exactly according to plan. Not just for Honey, but for everyone else performing. Including herself.

Gabe was still a bit shaken up by the day before, but he still invited William to come. He just hoped it wouldn’t make the Butch-Maya amalgamation more berserk than she already was.

Amanda was just worried about impressing the British Guy now known as Neil outside of Berlin.

Greta wasn’t sure what kind of stress she was feeling. Every bad dream she had about not being able to open her mouth seemed to replay in her head. She knew all the tips of how to keep going if a heel breaks or dress tears or a wig slips off, but every scenario in her head just ended with her forgetting her lessons and being booed off stage. Greta highly doubt that it would happen, but the fear still existed.

“Greta, you ready to...y’know, start gettin’ ready?”

She snapped out of her daydream to see Butch standing over her. Or maybe it was Maya. “You sure I’m ready for tonight?”

Butch’s face fell and he sat down next to her in the booth she had been hiding in at the Cathouse. “You’re not having second thoughts, are you?”

“No no,” she said, looking at him. She didn’t want to freak him out any more already. “I’m just jittery, I guess.”

Butch sighed and wrapped an arm around Greta. “Darlin’, jitters are just fine. If you weren’t nervous, I’d be worried. Just remember, no matter what happens, it’s only your first night. You got many more performances after this. They won’t all be great, but they’ll make you great. Just remember that.”

Greta looked up at him and nodded. “Okay, I think I’m ready to start getting ready then.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” said Butch, sliding out of the booth and helping Greta down. “C’mon, let’s get Honey ready to meet the world.”
The two hours before the show was the most nervous Greta had been in her life. She could hear the crowd growing from backstage and it made her stomach turn in knots. Most of the time, she wanted to run, but right now, she just wanted time to stop going by so slowly so it could be over with.

“Chill out,” Nueva said to her as her and Jack fussed with her hair to make it appropriately Jessica Rabbit like to go with the sparkly black dress Butch had made for her. “It’s not gonna go any faster if you keep freaking out. And please don’t throw up. I don’t wanna do your makeup again.”

“You didn’t do it the first time!”

“You know what I mean.”

“Don’t argue with her,” Jack said, shaking hir head. “It’s only going to make things worse.”

Greta groaned and let the two continue to mess with her hair, until finally...

“Yo! Maya! We’re done!”

“Let me see!”

Jack helped Greta out of her chair as Maya came rushing out of her room. The outfit Maya was wearing made Greta think ‘rodeo’, but she insisted that Patsy had worn things like it all the time. Still, she didn’t even think of the outfit when she saw the look on Maya’s face. “Oh my... you look so good!”

Maya turned her towards the mirror and Greta gasped. She had felt like Honey in the past, but now she could finally see what she looked like. The dress fit perfectly, the makeup was dark and sultry and the hair was made to match.

She looked confident. Alluring.

It made Greta feel the same.

And seeing her family, with Maya in her best Patsy Cline get up, Nueva looking like she just stepped out of the ‘Rhythm Nation’ video and Jack looking like Prince in his glory days, in the mirror with her, it made her feel like she was being overridden with emotion. “Oh god, I’m gonna cry.”

“No! No crying!” Nueva shouted. “If you cry, we’re all gonna start crying. We’ll save it all for when we’re done.”

Maya looked over at her. “Oh my God, that is the most sensible thing I’ve heard you say... ever.”

Nueva shrugged. “I’m not as dumb and bitchy as you think I am. I got a heart.”

“Yeah... maybe.”

“Okay ladies,” Jack said. “Go finish getting ready. We have thirty minutes. Save the bickering for the stage.”

With that, the two queens huffed a bit and dispersed. Greta was still staring in the mirror, not really believing what she was seeing. Jack propped hir head on her shoulder. “You starting to feel like Honey Ann yet?”

Greta looked in the mirror again, the past two months replaying in her head. It took quite some time to get here, but she did feel like she was a new woman.

“I am,” Honey said, smiling back at the reflection in the mirror.
“Oh, you guys are too too kind.”

The crowd was cheering for Nueva as she finished her routine to ‘Rhythm Nation’. Honey watched nervously from her place backstage. The only song between the opener and hers was Maya doing ‘She’s Got You’. Luckily, Nueva schmoozing up the crowd was always great filler. The happier they were, the harder it was to piss them off.

“Okay, tonight is a very special night. Not only is Mama Maya doing her signature song...”

The crowd cheered loudly.

“Not only have we booked the revolutionary Jack Jillian away from hir usual spot at Berlin.”

The crowd cheered some, but Honey giggled at the one British sounding ‘woo’ in the back somewhere.

“And your other usuals at the Cathouse, of course.”

The crowd picked up in their cheering.

“But tonight, we have the official debut of Honey Ann Molasses. She’s had a lot of time to cook since Tarentino Night, and boy, she is HOT!”

The crowd cheered again and Honey could pick out her burlesque girls in the back. It put her mind at ease.

“Okay, I’m gonna stop wasting your time now. Let’s get this show on the road. Please welcome to the stage, your favorite country diva performing one of her favorite songs ever, Miss Maya T. Sycamore!”

The crowd erupted as the song started over the speakers and Nueva rushed off stage. The song opened and Maya stepped onto the stage from the opposite side, hitting her spotlight right in the center as the vocals started. Honey couldn’t see to well from her spot, but she could tell that Maya was giving it her all and then some on this one. Her cowgirl boots tapped against the stage as she channelled Patsy’s words about being haunted by a former lover. It almost made Honey cry.

Until she heard it.

The track bumped, the audio skipping a bit. Then skipping a bit more. Honey looked at the ceiling nervously. “No no...don’t. Not now.”

Her prayer to the audio was in vain though. The track turned to static and the DJ had to cut it off. Honey quickly looked to the stage, looking at Maya just stand there frozen in the spotlight. Honey squeezed her eyes shut and held her hands to her temples. “Do something... please...”

“I’ve got your class ring, that proved you cared...”

Honey opened her eyes and looked up at the stage. She wasn’t sure she heard it right, but she had.

Maya was standing in her place, singing the words. She paused for a second to take a deep breath before continuing. “And it still looks the same as when you gave it, dear.”

A hush had fallen over the crowd. Honey wasn’t sure how they were reacting, but she was entranced all the same. She had the power and emotion in her voice. She could deliver it better than any queen who could get up there and lip-synch.

And she didn’t even realize it.

“The only thing different... The only thing new... I’ve got these little things... And she’s got yooooou...”

As soon as she finished that line, she quickly bowed her head and tried to rush off the stage.

Until the crowd started going crazy.

“Maya Mama, come back here,” Nueva said as she walked on stage and rushed to stop Maya from walking off. She grabbed her by the arm and faced her towards the crowd. “Did you guys even KNOW she had pipes like that? Goddamn, you need to break those out more often!”

The crowd went crazy again and Honey could see that Maya was smiling from the angle she was standing at.

“Okay, get out of here. Honey might self destruct if she waits too long.”

Nueva pushed Maya’s arm and she started off stage and down the stairs. Honey quickly ran to meet her. “Oh my god, that was fantastic. You...you’re fantastic!”

There were tears welling up in Maya’s eyes and she quickly blinked them back. “Well, I do try. Now don’t worry about me, you got a crowd to win over as soon as Nueva stops talking.”

Honey grinned and wrapped her arms around Maya. “I love you, Mama Maya.”

Maya paused, then wrapped her arms around Honey’s waist. “I love you too, Honey Ann.” She then let go and pushed Honey towards the stairs to the stage. “Go! Now!”

Honey briefly looked back at Maya before ascending up the stairs. It was now or never. Time to shine.

If Nueva would shut up.

“Okay, hopefully, there will be no audio malfunctions this time, but if there are, it’s no problem because our next queen? Wooo... Please welcome to the stage of The Cathouse for the very first time, Miss Honey Ann Molasses!”

Honey could hear her burlesque girls freaking out before she even stepped onto the stage, but when she did, it wasn’t just them going crazy. There were catcalls galore before the audio even started.

“Time to shine, Honey,” she thought as she flipped her hair back and looked at the crowd. It was time to let them know that Honey Ann was here and she wasn’t going anywhere for a very long time.
“Ugh... I never want to do that again.”

“Why not? You have the vocals! Stop being so modest and get some confidence!”

“So says the one who couldn’t speak to hir date for nearly a year.”

“...I’m hurt, Maya.”

“Stop bickering, you two. We know Maya was great even if she doesn’t realize it. Jack was great, if not a little strange. And I was great, of course.”

“Nueva, you forget someone darlin’?”

“Yeah, I guess Honey did pretty good for her first official time out.”

“Good, I was great!”

“Don’t let it get to your head, bitch. Not every night’s gonna be this good.”

“Heh... maybe not from you.”

The table made a soft ‘oooo’ noise and Nueva shot a look at Honey. “Honestly, I don’t know where she gets it.”

“Not from me,” Maya said, a smirk playing on her face.

Jack shook hir head. “That is such bullshit. It’s from the both of you, can’t you tell?”

“Oh, I am not that bad...”

Honey watched as the three of them went back and forth on this argument, a smile growing on her face as confusion grew on those who joined them at the diner after the show. Well, not for William. He just seemed to be laughing.

“Neil, Stefani,” Jack said, pointing at the both of them. “You’re somewhat neutral in this. Where do you think Honey gets her attitude from?”

“I’m staying out of this argument,” Stefani said, shrugging. “I don’t care where Honey got her attitude, I just want to know where she got her moves.”

Honey grinned, looking over at her. “I think I could teach you some things.”

Jack rolled hir eyes. “Well, I think that part of the discussion just turned into flirting. Okay, Neil. What about you?”

“I think she gets it from you,” he said softly with a somewhat mischievous grin.

A silence fell over the table as Jack shook hir head. “I’m not sure if this relationship is going to work. I’m sorry.”

The rest of the table laughed at that and Honey looked over at William. “You have an opinion, William?”

“Well, I’d originally be inclined to say you got it from Nueva...”

That got him a look from Nueva. “Baby, I will throw you to the curb before I get my wig off.”

William shot her a look right back. “Let me finish. I would be inclined to say you get it from Nueva, but I think you get it from all three of them.”

Honey looked back at her family members, grinning. “Well, I think that settles it then.”

“Hey hey,” Maya said, pointing a finger at William, “Let’s not forget that his little brain child had a part in this too.”

Honey grinned a little as she rested her chin on her hand. “I guess I was just born to be in this family then.”

Maya raised her eyebrows a bit at that answer. “So we’ll never be able to get rid of you then?”

“Nope,” said Honey, her smile growing wider. “You’re stuck with Honey Ann Molasses forever and ever.”

This made Maya smile wider than she had all night. “That’s an answer I love to hear.”

Honey rested her chin in her hands as she watched around the table. Jack and Nueva were bitching to each other about something that happened six months ago at a lesbian bar as their dates just shook their heads while Stefani managed to strike up a conversation with Maya, asking about proper wig care.

If every Saturday night was going to be filled with nerves, love, makeup, costumes, cattiness and some of the best conversations ever ever heard in a diner at two in the morning like this Saturday night had been, becoming a drag queen might go down as one of the best ideas Greta ever had.

Mix: Swept Away the Love Affairs With Their Tremors by alljustlovers
Bonus: The Inspirations For The Story

bandom, fic, bbb

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