Love and Robotics - Epilogue

Sep 12, 2010 03:45

Part VII

It was Monday morning. 10:35 to be exact. Greta was usually in her improvisation class by now, but instead, she was lying in her bed, her head against Gabe’s chest as his arm draped across her back. “You are SO lucky all my finals are next week.”

“Aren’t you worried that you’re going to go back to school tomorrow and have people think you’re a robot,” Gabe said, seeming rather amused by the whole situation now that it was over.

“I’ll get Janelle and them to vouch for me if I have to. Right now, I’m just worried about having to tell Patrick this isn’t going to work out. Poor thing has had a crush on me since he was in elementary school.”

“Just set him up with someone else.”

Greta looked up towards the ceiling, thinking this over. “You know, I do think he’d be good with Janelle.”

They heard a door open downstairs and Gabe groaned. “Oh man, can’t they just wait another thirty minutes? I’m sure Butch would have at least been making up for lost time with Michael well into the afternoon.”

Greta smacked Gabe on the forehead playfully. “Be nice or you’re permanently going back to your own bed with no visits from me.”

“You’re so cruel,” Gabe said with a pout.

“Not anymore than you, babe,” Greta said, sitting up. “Now get dressed.”

“You first.”

“Hey, I can’t always be the eye candy around here.”

“Are you guys still going at it,” shouted Amanda from downstairs. “Geez, we had an easier time getting Butch and Michael out of Atlanta.”

Greta rolled her eyes with a grin as she pushed Gabe out of bed. “We’ll be down in a few minutes! Turn KITTY back on for me while you wait!”

Gabe shook his head as he picked up his boxers and jeans off the floor. “You owe me, Greta baby.”

“I know. Stop complaining and I’ll pay you back later. Okay?”

She smiled and Gabe just shook his head with a sigh. “Okay. You win. As always.”

He leaned back over to kiss Greta on the head before he disappeared into the bathroom. Greta sighed happily as she leaned back in her bed. Her life may not be normal, she may be in danger at least once a year, and she may have a group of Necromancers waiting impatiently on breakfast downstairs, but for the first time in a long time, she actually felt happy.

That’s what a hell of a lot better than normalcy.

Mixes: Dressed In White Noise by seratonation and Robots, Vampires and Sorcerers, Oh My! (Or, The Life and Times of Greta Salpeter) by restlesslikeme
Art: Gabe and Greta by dwg

bandom, the venture brothers, fic, bgbb

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