Updates on my goals for 2011...

Jan 05, 2012 23:39

Of which I completed pretty much none. Hopefully when I get around to doing a 2012 post it'll go better...

1. Finish Revelations. Seriously, we're not even halfway yet but I want this thing done and up by my birthday- failing that, then definitely this time next year. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Seriously, how did I ever think this would happen? Quakes never helped but still...

2. Complete my dcu_freeforall table and my 10_hurt_comfort table (which is two years old *facepalm*). Yeah... another epic fail.

3. Start Genetic Warfare and Legacy- the, hopefully mid-length (>50,000 words), sequels to Poison. GW takes place a week later but Legacy takes place ten years later (banner here if you're interested in an idea of what it's about :P). Oh, the fail goes on. Still I have started GW but I'm not posting it until it's all done.

4. Make a start at hammering out the plot to Three Years Later, the (probably) epic Revelations sequel. This actually happened a bit, though not like I hoped.

5. Attempt to plot out an as-of-yet unamed fic I posted about here. So far I have scenes and a vague storyline but nothing definitive. I've pretty much decided not to do this. I'd be way too afraid of everyone just thinking I'm a huge Suethor (which I tried to leave behind in Harry Potter). I actually may write this, but don't hold your breath to see it posted.

Real Life

1. Get something published. In CANTA (Uni magazine), Reader's Digest, local paper, anywhere, the main goal is this year: just get published. Nope.

2. Get a new job. Not in hospitality. YES!!!!

3. Decide which novel in my head I'm going to write and start a draft. So far I'm stuck between two. Sort of...

4. Get better marks at Uni. Bs are good- As are better. Fail in the first semester but it's done because of the so much win in the second A's a better but an A+ is the best of all :P

5. Go to the gym. Seriously, $100 down the drain this year because I never got around to using that membership I bought. Nope, though the Uni gym (aka: the only one I can afford) was shut for ages following the big earthquake so not entirely my fault...

6. On that note: be smarter with money. For example, stop buying lunch every day at Uni. Um, kind of... Not amazingly so though so not stuck through.

7. And learn to ride my Unicycle :P I can ride quite well now but I can't get on without a rail and I tend to end my rides by falling off :P I can ride it but not done because I still end them with a fall :P

So yeah... a lot of fail there. I like to think that without the earthquakes I could have gotten a lot more of these ticked off but to be honest I'm not too sure of that.

three years later, public post, work, new years, genetic warfare, unicycle, legacy, uni, fanfiction, revelations, poison, writing

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