Ah, okay, so I'm failing at replying to reviews right now but I did promise a proper post on what I'm hoping to have in August. So here's the info of what I have so far for
clois_fest. (Excuse the bare comm btw, haven't made it pretty yet :P)
Anyway, because of the freak-outs happening over the state of Clois in the comics come September I was thinking fandom could use a chance to celebrate the pairing and remind ourselves and DC why we love them and that they'll always be our OTP, whatever happens in the relaunch.
Therefore, I want to propose that August be the month of Clois and hold a multi-fandom, multi-site celebration of them!
So far my idea is to have
clois_fest as a central comm for the month and encourage everyone to post as much Cloisy stuff as they want. Fanfiction, meta, fanmixes, manips, fanart, scans, your top 5 Clois moments in Smallville picspam :P, anything really- from any incarnation, DCAU, movie verse, L&C, comics, radio serials, anything's game :P
Basically: If it's Clois it's welcome.
This can also be on any site they want, I've already got a Twitter (@CloisFest) and I'll set up a Tumblr and thread at ES.c and even Superman.net if they're interested (it can be multi-lingual too! :P) and do a round up of all the Clois every week to post on LJ.
I was thinking to get things moving it might be a good idea to hold a request post too. So that anyone running low on plot bunnies or ideas could have a look and maybe get inspired. It wouldn't be compulsory to fill requests though.
I'm also hoping I can get some challenges to run in conjunction with this, I heard there might be another 12days for instance.
What do you guys think? Any idea, any suggestions of what you think could be good to have or not have?
Also, I am going to need help promoting this and maybe with banners and what-not because I fail at graphics... Even someone who could just make the comm look a bit prettier would be cool too :P
I want this to be big, so please comment and tell me how you think this can be amazing, be honest too, if you think I've got a stupid idea feel free to say that too. I want to have the comm up with a welcome post, rules and FAQ as soon as I can.